Minutes of September 3 Pleasant Valley School Board meeting

PV Board Minutes 9.3.02

PV Board Minutes 9.3.02

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Phyllis Ahlstrand. Members present: Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton. Absent: None. Also present: Dale Barber, Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Chris Harvey, Jean Rittmer, Brian Strusz, and others.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by Romans that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Ahlstrand welcomed high school American Government students.

Jean Rittmer, PVEA President, thanked President Ahlstrand for her years of service on the school board.

Director Barsness congratulated the teachers who have earned extra credits toward advanced degrees and all employees who have reached 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service to education.

Dr. Barber discussed the construction projects in the district. Contractors are waiting for the delivery of light poles to complete the high school tennis court lighting project; the brick work on the high school gym is done; footings have been poured at the Pleasant View classroom addition and block work has begun; the Bridgeview roofing project is complete; the junior high addition is projected to be completed by the end of September; and, the maintenance center parking area is complete. He added that the school year is off to a good start.

Dr. Barber thanked district Technology Facilitator Ladonna Czachowski and her family for providing landscaping around the flagpole and the entryway sign at the Administration Center as part of the memorial to their son Philip.

Dr. Spelhaug reported that the district's new all day every day kindergarten program is off to a good beginning. He pointed out that out of 215 kindergarteners, only 11 are participating in the half day program.

He thanked the Schillig family for organizing the "Run for Carl" as a memorial for their son Carl. He stated that it is a good community event that supports scholarships for PV graduates.

The secretary corrected an omission in the August 5 board minutes. The following motion should read, "Motion by O'Hara, second by Coon that the Board accept the low non-carbonated beverage products bid for food services submitted by Pepsi Cola for the 2002-03 school year. All ayes. Motion carried."

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara, second by Coon that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the August 19, 2002, Regular Board meeting; the regular employment of Paula Buzzell as

an education aide at Riverdale Heights and Susan Mercier as a special education aide at Pleasant View; the probationary employment of Jennifer Claussen as a special education aide at PVCHS, Deborah Dreese, Jessica Johnson, and Keith VanBlaricome as school bus drivers; Kelly Fiscus and Sarah Hauri as special education aides at Riverdale Heights; and Tonita Washburn as a food service worker at Pleasant View; and the following staff members who have earned extra credits since their contracts were issued and are eligible for advancement on the salary scale - David Barber, Erik Belby, Maury Betzel, Dan Bischoff, Nikki Boehl, Lisa Bradley, Jodi Buzzell, Danielle Davenport, Shelli Diedrich, Darren Erickson, Susan Gizzarelli, Cindy Hill, Michele Hoffman, David Hult, Cindy Ingleby, Darcie Kress, Jennifer Krier, Mary Beth Kunau, Jennifer Levora, Karen Lewis, Randy Pischke, Mary Ritter, Nadine Roth, Judy Schulte, Amy Soenksen, Rusty VanWetzinga, Ron VenHorst; six open enrollment applications-in for the 2002-03 school year; two from Bettendorf Schools and four from Davenport Schools.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $80,175.78 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dayman, second by Coon that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $4,069.41 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Thornton that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $6,572.15 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Barsness that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $12,495.22 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $41,168.93 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

A PROCLAMATION TO CELEBRATE THE AMERICAN CHARACTER: Dr. Spelhaug presented the following Proclamation provided by the Character Counts Organization that he asked the Board to approve to recognize "American Character Week". He commented that the district will also have special recognition at the building level during this week including activities connected with the Character Counts program at the junior high school and a special ceremony around the flagpole at the high school on September 11 which will include a color guard from the LeClaire American Legion Post.

"A Proclamation to Celebrate the American Character"

1. September 11, 2002, will be the first anniversary of unprecedented terrorist attacks resulting in a momentous loss of life and property.

2. The terrorists hoped to bring Americans to their knees. Instead, they brought Americans to their feet. The terrorists hoped to demoralize and intimidate Americans and undermine their way of life. Instead, Americans became more resolute in their commitment to cherished democratic and humanitarian principles that form the moral foundation of this nation.

3. This anniversary of tragedy is also an anniversary of triumph, a triumph of character - courage over cowardice, kindness over cruelty, service over selfishness, responsibility over indifference, love over hate, hope over fear, and freedom over repression.

4. We should demonstrate our respect for the victims of this terrible day by commemorating the lives lost and damaged, but we should also honor and celebrate the countless acts of courage, compassion, loyalty, responsibility and other qualities that represent the best in human nature and the American character.

5. We should remember September 11th not only as a day of great misfortune, but as a reminder of the great fortune we possess in the character of our people and in living in a country where character counts.

6. It should be a day of reflection and education involving activities that strengthen appreciation of and dedication to the core ethical values that constitute the pillars of the American character, such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.

7. It should also be a day of action devoted to community service, an element of good citizenship and an expression of good character. Community service improves neighborhoods, eases suffering and reduces injustice while enhancing the lives and strengthening the characters of those who render it.

8. Community service is also a matter of national policy expressed in President George W. Bush's call for all Americans to give at least 4,000 hours of service and in The Spirit of America Act seeking to assure that the lives lost on September 11th are commemorated by acts of volunteer service.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Pleasant Valley Community School District Board of Education proclaims the period commencing September 6, 2002, and ending September 14, 2002, as "American Character Week" and calls upon schools, youth organizations, community groups and government agencies to use this period to:

1. Discuss and study the lives of Americans of extraordinary character.

2. Recognize local individuals who have in the past year demonstrated the highest qualities of the American character.

3. Teach young people about and encourage them to consider careers in public service.

4. Provide service-learning opportunities to young people, including at least one hour of service during this period, as a first step in a commitment to a life of regular community service.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that the Board approve the proclamation to celebrate the "American Character Week" as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

JUNIOR HIGH AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Junior High Principal Brian Strusz was in attendance to share junior high after school activities that are being implemented this year with Instructional Support Levy funds. He explained that the intent of these activities is to provide constructive supervised after school time for junior high school students. The activities are scheduled to allow students to ride the junior high activity bus. Activities will consist of DFYIT (Drug Free Youth in Touch), PV Spirit Gear, Mock Trial, Geography Bee, Chess Club, Drama (two performances), Science (Environment/Plate Tectonics/Global Warming/Solar System), Carpentry (Mass production of Adirondack chairs), Competitive Dance (two competitions), Art (Drawing/Painting/Sculpture/Print Making), and Computers.

REVIEW 2002 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT: Dr. Spelhaug presented the final draft of the District 2002 Annual Report and the 2002-03 Annual Improvement goals. The Board reviewed the report. Dr. Spelhaug pointed out that the district has excellent elementary class sizes with an average of 20.8. District students are scoring well ahead of the State and Nation in the ITBS Reading, Math, and Science tests. PV's composite ACT score is 83% as compared to Iowa's average 69% and the nation's average at 58%. Director Barsness questioned the need to include Disaggregated Reading and Math Results. Dr. Spelhaug responded that he would investigate but it was his understanding that reporting this information is a state requirement.

The 2002 Annual Report will be mailed to every district resident in mid-September.

Motion by Coon, second by Romans that the Board approve the 2002 Annual Progress Report as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand. Nays - Barsness. Motion carried.

FIRE/SAFETY GRANT APPLICATION: Dr. Barber explained that the City of Bettendorf fire code requires the district to add an additional fire hydrant adjacent to the Pleasant View addition and also to provide a service lane on the south side of the addition for emergency vehicles for a cost of approximately $106,000. Chief Financial Officer Mike Clingingsmith and Director of Operations Ray LaFrentz have completed a Fire/Safety Grant application to seek funding for this project. This is the same type of grant that the district applied for and received funds for upgrading the fire alarm systems at Bridgeview, Cody, and Pleasant View this summer.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that the Board approve the Fire/Safety Grant application for an additional fire hydrant and emergency vehicle service lane at Pleasant View Elementary. All ayes. Motion carried.

2002-03 PHASE III BUDGET APPROVAL: Mike Clingingsmith presented the 2002-03 Phase III Budget and asked the Board for approval so it can be submitted to the Department of Education by the October 1, 2002 deadline. Per pupil allocation has been reduced from $45.81 in 2001-02 to $19.83 per pupil for 2002-03.

Motion by Thornton, second by Barsness that the Board approve the 2002-2003 Phase III budget as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

ESTABLISH TIME & DATE FOR BOARD REVIEW OF SUMMER PROJECTS: Dr. Barber recommended that the board schedule the annual review of summer projects for 4:00 p.m. Monday, September 16 prior to the 7:00 p.m. regular board meeting.

Motion by Barsness, second by Dayman that the Board tour the district to review summer projects on Monday, September 16, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. prior to the 7:00 p.m. Board meeting. All ayes. Motion carried.

PVCHS student Andrew Carter commented on the hallways at the high school being too warm and the classrooms being too cool. Dr. Barber responded that hallways, gymnasiums, and locker rooms are not air conditioned, but classrooms, offices, and cafeterias are cooled to 76 degrees Fahrenheit. He asked that Andrew share his concerns with Principal Debbie Menke for further investigation.

The Board adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Next Board Meeting

Monday, September 16, 2002

7:00 PM

Belmont Administration Center


The PVHS cheerleaders will be sponsoring a clinic for students K-8 on Saturday October 5th from 9am-noon. The cost is $25 and that will include a clinic t-shirt. Forms are available in the office at each school. Please register early as space is limited and t-shirt sizes are needed to order the correct number. If you have any questions please contact Pam Cinadr at 332-5151 x210, Julie Ward at 332-5550 or Katie Wilson at 355-3118. Everyone is encouraged to attend. The group will be cheering during the Clinton-PV game on Oct. 11th. The elementary and Junior High students will be taught in separate groups.


Parents/Guardians considering the use of the open enrollment option to enroll their child or children in another public school district in the state of Iowa should be aware of the following dates:

JANUARY 1, 2003 - Last date for regular open enrollment requests for the 2003-04 school year.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2003 - Last date for open enrollment requests for entering kindergarten students for the 2003-04 school year.

Parents/guardians of open enrolled students whose income falls below 160% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for transportation assistance. This may be in the form of actual transportation or a cash stipend.

Parents should be aware that open enrollment may result in the loss of athletic eligibility.

For further details, contact 332-5550.

Red Ribbon Week

Pleasant Valley is a partner with the Red Ribbon Coalition. As a part of this year's Red Ribbon activities, a special speaker is being provided for parents. The two performances in the Quad Cities are:

Thursday, October 24, 2002

7:00 p.m.

Bettendorf High School

3333 18th Street

Bettendorf, IA

Saturday, October 26

10:00 a.m.

Genesis West Conference Center

1401 West Central Park Avenue

Davenport, IA

The speaker will have useful information for parents. Please consider attending.

Pleasant Valley Schools


Alumni Data Base

If you are an alumnus of Pleasant Valley Community Schools, we'd like to hear from you. We are developing an alumni data base and will make this available for class reunions. Please let us know your address and phone number and year of graduation so you can be kept informed of your class events. Call (319)332-5550 or e-mail harveychris@pleasval.k12.ia.us.

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