Unofficial Minutes of the August 19, 2002, Regular Meeting of Bettendorf Community School District
Unofficial Minutes of the August 19, 2002, Regular Meeting (Pending Board Approval)
1. Call to Order.
The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular Board meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on August 19, 2002. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.
Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle. Members absent: None. Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; Margie Schwaninger, BEA Representative; Jeff Ehrmann, Board Treasurer; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.
2. Agenda Approval.
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the agenda as presented.
Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.
3.01 Presidentís Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.
There were no comments from the audience.
4. Commendations. 4.01 The following girls have been selected to the Softball MAC All-Conference teams for 2002: 1st Team: Beth Tharp ñ Outfielder; 2nd Team: Lori Pankratz ñ Pitcher; Honorable Mention: Lexie Rose, Erin Riley, Lindsay DeWitte. Beth Tharp, was also named to the Softball All Tournament Team in Fort Dodge. 4.02 Jimmy Casas, Bettendorf High School principal, presented a learning session at the New Administrators Institute at the School Administrators of Iowa annual conference in Des Moines on August 6. His was, "How Can I Manage and Be An Instructional Leader?"
5. Consent Agenda.
Superintendent Perdue recommended amending the consent agenda to include a change to item "#5.02 Approval of August 19, 2002, Bills Recommended for Payment," reflecting a change in the QC Times bill from $2,750.78 to $1,545.78 due to a typographical error.
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Mayer, to approve the consent agenda as amended.
Ayes: 7 Directors Arney, Castro, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson. Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
5.01 Approval of Approval of August 5, 2002, Regular Board Meeting Minutes. 5.02 Approval of August 19, 2002, Bills Recommended for Payment. 5.03 Approval of Administrative Recommendations--Personnel. Administrative Approval to Hire Maxine McEnany/RSAC/Director of Financial and Business Services/$76,000/Effective September 3, 2002 Certified Approval to Hire Shelby Courbat/BHS/Guidance Counselor/MA,1/$29,901/ Pending receipt of certification/Effective August, 2002 Haley Wikoff/MT/Elem Teacher-Crisis Interventionist/.60 fte/BA+30, 2/$17,832/Replacing Robert Byram/Pending receipt of certification /Effective August 2002 Ardis Johnson/HH/Nurse/.50 fte/BA, 0/$12,654/Replacing Sue Kernc/Effective August 2002 Susan Feuerbach/Media Specialist at TJ (.50fte) and Project Ready (.50fte)/BA+30, 9/$37,437/Replacing Marjorie Martel(TJ) and Lorri Nelson (PR)/Effective August 2002 Certified Leave of Absence Sandy Kitzman/PN/3rd Grade/Medical leave for 1st semester or until released from doctor care/Effective immediately Schedule D Approval to Hire Lisa Cox/BMS/Team Leader-Special Ed/$1,337/Replacing Lorna Sawyer/Effective August 19, 2002 Barbara Jacobsen/BHS/DW Curriculum leader-Science/$1,945 /Reassigned-no other applicants/Effective August 2002 Paul Hughes/BMS/8th Grade Volleyball/ $1,945/Replacing Tanya Spalla/Effective August 2002 Schedule D Modification Michelle Hayes/BHS/Cheerleading Assistant/Increase .80 fte to 1.0 fte/Effective immediately Schedule D Resignation Lorna Sawyer/BMS/Team Leader-Special Ed/Effective immediately Gary Lathrum/BMS/7th Grade Swim Coach/Effective immediately Grant-Funded Positions-Recommendation for Employment Robin (Angie) Bridges/District/Birth-to-Five Coordinator/$19 per hour/28 hours per week/Replacing Christine Quintana/Effective 8/19/02 Katie Nelson/NA/Parent Liaison/$9.70 per hour/12 hours per month/Replacing Lisa Mekalson/Effective 8/8/02 Grant-Funded Positions-Resignation Patricia Horton/MT/Parent Liaison/Effective 8/1/02 Classified ñ Resignation Susan Edwards/HH/Para Educator B/ Effective 8/30/02 Patricia Horton/MT/Para Educator A/ Effective 8/1/02 Jayne Thomsen/BHS/Media Center Secretary/ Effective 8/1/02
Classified ñTermination Marjorie Martel/TJ/Media Facilitator/Effective 8/8/02 Classified ñ Recommendation for Employment Kathie Irene Blaser/BHS/Food Service-Part-Time/$6.87/$7.65 after 90 days/4.75 hours per day/Replacing Kathy Nash/Effective 8/21/02 Nancy Kay Fulton/HH/Food Servie-Satellite/$6.90/2.5 hours per day/Replacing Barbara Petersen/Effective 8/21/02 Carol Keller/NA/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/3 hours per day /Replacing Deanna Solis- Cantrill/Effective 8/6/02 Andrea Luckenbihl/Maintenance & Transportation Center/Bus Driver/$11.67 per hour/ 4.5 hours per day/Replacing Beverly Adams/Effective 8/21/02 Joseph Otero/Maintenance & Transportation Center/Bus Monitor/$10.37 per hour/4.5 hours per day/Replacing Denice Bahrenburg/Effective 8/5/02 Sarah Smithey/MT/Para Educator B/$9.55 per hour/24 hours per week/Replacing Jennifer Fisher and Nicole Blain/Effective 8/19/02 Classified-Letter of Assignment Modification Elizabeth MacKenzie/BHS/Secretary-Media Center/$10.39 per hour/Delete 3 workdays from Letter of Assignment/ Additional budget cuts/ Effective 2002-2003 school year Cindy Stefko/BHS/Special Ed Para Educator B/Change from 4 hrs/day to 7.5 hrs/day/Change in Studentís IEP/Effective 8/19/02 5.04 2001/02 Phase III Final Report. 5.05 Approval of Lease Agreement with Iowa East Central T.R.A.I.N. 5.06 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment. Into Bettendorf, 2002/03 Kate Black, grade 5, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence Marlie Gillis, grade 1, from Davenport, good cause due to change of residence Taylor Gillis, grade 4, from Davenport, good cause due to change of residence Jesse Guldenpfennig, grade 5, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence James Hesser, grade 9, from Davenport, good cause due to change of residence Joshua Hesser, grade 7, from Davenport, good cause due to change of residence Hiba Irshad, grade 5, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence Nabilah Irshad, grade 11, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence Sana Irshad, grade 8, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence Seth Kaufmann, grade 7, from Davenport, continuation due to change or residence Charlene Maldonado, grade 7, from Davenport, continuation due to change or residence Landis Maldonado, kindergarten, from Davenport Nicole Maldonado, grade 4, from Davenport, continuation due to change or residence Kathryn Martin, grade 7, from Pleasant Valley, good cause due to change of residence Jacob Mueller, grade 7, from Davenport, good cause due to change of residence Brandy Pizano, grade 2, from Davenport, continuation due to change or residence John Rankin, grade 10, from Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change of residence Andrew Richards, kindergarten, from Davenport Emily Spratte, grade 4, from Davenport, continuation due to change or residence Lea Taylor, grade 5, from North Scott, continuation due to change or residence Skylar Ultsch, kindergarten, from Pleasant Valley Into Bettendorf, 2003/04 Dustin Gold, grade 9, from Davenport Brenna Hafner, kindergarten, from Davenport Laurie Hardy, kindergarten, from Davenport Jamie Miller, grade 2, from Davenport Jana Miller, kindergarten, from Davenport Out of Bettendorf, 2002/03 For information only. The following students have open enrolled out of the Bettendorf Community School District: Alexander Cousins, grade 6, to DeWitt, good cause due to change of residence
6. Discussion Items. 6.01 Shared Communications.
President Roski thanked Director Weigle for representing the Board of Education and addressing staff at the "Welcome Back" August 19 in the BHS Cafeteria.
Director Castro reported the newly constructed BHS Fitness Education Center is being utilized by students, who have been very enthusiastic and appreciative of this facility. He reminded Directors of the formal dedication scheduled for Friday, August 30, at 6:30 p.m.
Director Luton inquired as to specific line items included in the Board of Education budget. Superintendent Perdue indicated he would provide a more detailed budget for the Boardís review.
Superintendent Perdue and Directors welcomed Maxine McEnany, newly appointed Director of Financial and Business Services.
6.02 Plato Learning Proposal.
Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent, presented a proposal on the Plato Learning program. This is an on-line learning program for high school students at Project READY, as well as credit recovery opportunities for students who have repeatedly failed coursework. The cost of the Plato Learning program is approximately $35,000 and could be funded from the At- Risk Allowable Growth budget. Directors asked for verification of staffís support and will plan to have this as an action item on the September 3 Board agenda. 6.03 No Child Left Behind.
Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent, presented an overview of the newly reauthorized federal legislation, known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Reauthorization was signed into law on January 8, 2002, and is now titled "No Child Left Behind (NCLB)." This legislation covers a multitude of federal education programs that provide direction and funding to state education efforts. Ms. Webb reviewed the standards and assessment requirements and the implications NCLB will have on Iowa schools.
6.04 Early Retirement Plan.
Directors reviewed the following components of a proposed early retirement plan for the 2002/03 school year: _ Insurance payout option _ $1,000 stipend for an early announcement _ Exchange of 2/3 days of unused sick leave for a day of single health insurance or a cash equivalent Superintendent Perdue reviewed the Management Fund balance and early retirement single health insurance projections, including the 2/3 days of unused sick leave conversion. Mr. Phillips, BMS Science teacher, stated his opinion that the early retirement incentive of utilizing unused sick days for health insurance had a negative impact and increased the number of staff coming to work when they did not feel well in order to utilize their unused sick days when they retired.
Superintendent Perdue addressed the inquiry regarding retirement benefits to part-time employees. Currently, part-time employees are not eligible for medical insurance unless they are employed 75 percent or above. Of the eligible retirees, there are no employees who would be classified as "part time."
In general, Directors agreed on offering an early retirement plan with the above incentives; however, there were varying opinions on the number of days (2 or 3) for conversion. Administration will plan to finalize the financial projections for further discussion at the September 3 Board meeting, with action scheduled at the September 17 meeting.
The Board recessed at 8:50 p.m. and reconvened at 8:57 p.m.
7. Action Items. 7.01 Open Enrollment Request into the District, 2002/03.
Directors consider the open enrollment request of Marcus Trice, grade 9, from Davenport for the 2002/03 school year. Based on information received, Director Anderson informed the Board there is insufficient classroom space at this grade level.
Motion by Director Luton, seconded by Director Weigle, to approve the request for open enrollment into the district for school year 2002/03 for Marcus Trice, grade 9, from Davenport.
Ayes: 0 Nays: 7 Directors Castro, Luton, Mayer, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Arney. Motion failed 0-7.
8. Superintendentís Report. 8.01 Open Enrollment. Superintendent Perdue and Nancy Herrin, Executive Assistant, reviewed changes in the open enrollment law, including the desegregation plan for open enrollments. 8.02 Construction Update. Superintendent Perdue updated the Board on construction progress. Grant Wood Elementary is on a three-day delay and will start school on Monday, August 26. BHS Fitness Education Center is completed, with the BHS Science Department in its final stages. 8.03 Enrollment & Staffing. Preliminary enrollment numbers total 4,243 students, which reflects a decrease of 180 students from the prior year. Superintendent Perdue will continue to update the Board as these numbers become more definitive. Staffing needs are nearing completion, with the exception of Spanish and French teachers. 8.04 Next Agenda Planning. Superintendent Perdue reviewed agenda items for the regular Board meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3.
9. Future Events and Informational Items. 9.01 Wednesday, August 21, First Day of School for all buildings except Grant Wood and Neil Armstrong 9.02 Friday, August 23, BCS Foundation Board meeting, 12:00 noon @ RSAC 9.03 Monday, August 26, First Day of School for Grant Wood 9.04 Tuesday, September 3, Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 p.m., RSAC 9.05 Tuesday, September 10, School Board Elections
Director Castro volunteered to speak at the formal dedication of the BHS Fitness Education Center on Friday, August 30, at 6:30 p.m.
10. Adjournment.
Motion by Director Mayer to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m.
_______________________________________ Debbie Roski, President
__________________________________ Lynne Lindstrom, Secretary