JULY 8, 2002
The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on July 8, 2002, at 4:00 pm in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.
Present: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Absent: None
Rita introduced this summer’s interns at the Life Fitness Center, Jennifer Elliott and Terrance Furlong. Both began their internship in May and will continue through the first two weeks of August. They are active in several different recreation activities ranging from the fitness center to the BHS pool to the parks. They are attending this evening to experience a Park Board meeting.
The Park Board welcomed them both.
Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes. She began by inquiring about the cardio room addition and the adult-only locker rooms. She would like to pin down some ideas and costs. There are some issues within the building that will need to be reviewed as well. She reminded the Board that a footprint was completed by Schemmer & Associates at the time of the CIP review, but that she would like to get more of a firm number.
Steve Grimes stated that we should look at either completing both renovations separately or together as one project.
Commissioner Makoben asked if a fire truck would be able to get in on the west side?
Steve answered yes, a fire truck could get in on the west side. He asked the Board if they wanted to seek proposals from several firms or just one.
Rita suggested Pea*****, Inc. to request a proposal from. They were familiar with the building and what they were looking for.
Steve stated we could start with Pea*****, Inc. and see what can be done and cost estimates and go from there.
Commissioner Kamp asked if we had a rough cost estimate.
Rita replied that we only had the footprint from Schemmer, which was for approximately $250,000.
Commissioner Kamp asked if this project will go out to bid?
Rita stated that yes, it would have to.
Commissioner Kamp asked if we should do a request for proposals?
Rita stated that if the Board wished to go that route, they could, but Pea*****, Inc. will probably be cheapest.
The Board decided to proceed with Pea*****, Inc. and go from there.
Rita discussed the shutdown period at the Life Fitness Center, which will take place the week of August 26th through Labor Day. She informed the Board that some disruption will occur for members due to a few pre-shutdown activities. They will be installing a drain in the sauna during this period as well.
Rita reviewed the option of offering a 6-month membership. She felt that if this option was offered, then no one will want a year-round membership. It would be a good option if we had a lot of downtime during the summer, but we don’t. A 3-4 month option for seniors would be better, but not a 6-month option.
Commissioner Hutter asked if there would be additional administrative costs?
Rita replied that yes, more cards, paperwork, accounting, etc.
Steve asked if this option could be the same account as the summer student option?
Rita replied that it could not because the accounts would need to stay separate for tracking attendance and revenue information.
Commissioner Hutter stated that if there was a market for this type of option, it would help in the decision to create it, but if it is not needed, then we shouldn’t create the option. He suggested to staff to keep track of requests and review again at a later time.
Rita stated that she would like to do the same and not create this option because of only a few requests.
Chairman Adamson stated that this option would create the Life Fitness Center to lose more annual memberships than gain 6-month memberships.
Rita stated that was correct, and we wouldn’t be able to charge half the rate of an annual for a 6-month. We would have to price it higher to make up for the loss of annual memberships.
Commissioner Kamp asked about the idea to use the tennis court entrance area in the women’s locker room to expand the locker room.
Rita stated that it would not be an advantage to complete this renovation.
Brad Peterson reviewed the golf course maintenance monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. He informed the Board that McCubbin Construction had finished the sand trap restoration and the forward tee on #18. We’ve had several positive comments about it. The forward tee will probably be opened up in the fall.
The architect for the hole #11 project has the bid documents ready and is nearly complete on the final drawings.
Steve stated that this would be discussed at the public hearing on Wednesday. We won’t have final plans, but we will have the conceptual plans.
Brad mentioned to the Board that the main pump for the irrigation system needed to be replaced. It is about 30 years old. A new pump has been ordered from Ohio, and it will be another week before installation will begin.
Commissioner Hutter asked how much this was going to cost?
Brad stated approximately $9,000 over all. It is something that has to be replaced. Currently, we are adapting by using a 15hp motor, but we usually use a 60-hp motor, so the water is extremely slow.
The Board reviewed Jon Waddell’s golf course administration monthly report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.
Stu Smith reviewed the parks maintenance monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes. The McManus Park Playground has been completed. The sod is doing well, and the other side of the playground will be completed next month.
He continued to mention that J.L. Brennen moved their barge in at Leach Park this afternoon. They are doing tests today and will begin dredging tomorrow. Depending on material, this might take until Monday to finish. If this is the case, we will leave both docks in over the weekend. They will not work on the weekend, so hopefully they will be done this week. They are in contact with the Channel Cat to coordinate interruptions with them if needed.
Stu mentioned that the Recreation Trail overlay was completed. Most of the backfill and some over-seeding is done and the rest will be finished this week. This came together well.
Commissioner Hutter mentioned that McManus Park Playground was packed this past weekend.
Stu mentioned that he was getting bids for a sidewalk at McManus Park, which would lead to the playground equipment and all shelters and restrooms except the north shelter. The cost will be approximately $3,000-5,000 for 1800 square feet.
Commissioner Kamp asked if the Board should award the Junior League of the Quad Cities a plaque of recognition for their efforts.
Steve stated that there will be a sign given at the dedication for recognition, which will be posted at McManus Park, but we should do something separate at a Board meeting. He would contact them to find out what they would like to do.
The Board reviewed the Directors monthly report, which is annex #5 to these minutes.
Steve mentioned that he was contacted by a young resident who was interested in having a concert at the band shell in August. He will be getting more information from him, and they will be at the Wednesday meeting with further details. They are working with the JEL (just eliminate lies) organization. They have already obtained a special event application, so this will be up for Board review on Wednesday.
Commissioner Makoben asked if there would be more water spray amenities at the pool than last year if the grant would be denied.
Steve said that there are more spray amenities, but we have not applied for a grant yet. There are about $50,000 worth of amenities needing to be applied for.
Commissioner Makoben asked if we had the money if the grant was denied.
Steve stated that things would be tight. The amenities may need to come out of the enterprise fund. Hopefully, there will be no more change orders. But we are still waiting to hear about a $15,000 electrical change order. If we are able to get the $50,000 grant, it would be nice to have a little cushion.
Rita asked how long we should wait to order the spray amenities. Would the Life Fitness Center enterprise fund be paying for them if we don’t get the grant? Is there money in the CIP budgets for these amenities? She is getting nervous about taking any more money out of the LFC fund.
Steve couldn’t say for sure what will happen. He hopes we get the grant, but if not, the Board can approve to move money around in the CIP budget, and it is a possibility that the funds will need to come from the LFC fund.
Commissioner Glenn stated that we should go ahead and order the spray amenities.
Steve stated that on the agenda later tonight, we would discuss applying for grant monies for the Splash Landing spray amenities and the McManus Park resurfacing project. Once we have a timeframe, we can order the equipment. He added that every year the Board needs to re-adjust CIP funds.
Rita stated that we should talk with Pepsi as soon as possible. We can get money from them for their logo painted on the bottom of our pool. This could help pay for the spray amenities.
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to approve applying for the Splash Landing spray amenities grant and the McManus resurfacing project grant.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
Steve reviewed the Pigeon Creek Park design proposals for the native plantings and signage. There were three, and two were very close, Missman Stanley and Conservation Design Form. He felt the Board should go with Conservation Design Form because they already did some of the preliminary work when we did the plantings in cooperation with RiverAction during cleanup day in April. They have done other projects such as the Duck Creek Erosion Control demonstration, and they have a very qualified staff and come highly recommended. The only counterpoint to my recommendation is that Missman Stanley was local and Conservation Design Form is from Chicago.
Steve continued that the signs have a metal base form with the Riverway logo on them. They are not cheap, but nice and heavy-duty. They would include historical, interpretive, natural wildlife, etc. information.
Commissioner Hutter stated that people love to follow historical things, and these items will be very important in the future. He has concerns with doing business with someone 200 miles away versus someone in Bettendorf. He personally feels we should go with someone local.
Commissioner Kamp asked if there were any particular reasons why staff did not want to go with Missman. Were there any problems in the past with the company.
Steve stated that no, he just knew Conservation Design Form was very familiar with the project.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Adamson, to prepare a resolution accepting the bid from Missman Stanley & Associates for $9,900 and placing it on the consent agenda.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, to adjourn at 5:00 pm.
Adamson (Chairman)
Kamp (Vice Chairman)