Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2002

The REAP grant applications are due in July and Bi-State Regional Commission has been assisting putting them together. He had two recommendations for grant applications: (1) Acquisition of the Church of Latter Day Saints property for access to the Duck Creek Recreation Trail. The appraisal completed by Doug Nelson for the 15 acres totaled $75,000. Some of the 15 acres is developable. (2) Funds for the initial development of Field Sike Park.

APRIL 8, 2002

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on April 8, 2002, at 4:00 pm in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.

Present: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, and Hutter
Absent: Makoben

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf course monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Brad informed the Board that he received three different resumes from landscape architects for the planned project on #11 this fall. He explained that all the architects are quoting about the same cost, which is 7-8% of the total project. All the architects have good credentials. Brad recommended Gill Miller out of Wisconsin.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that Gill Miller is currently doing work on the Muscatine Golf Course. Our project is to renovate #11, changing from a par 4 to a par 5. The concept was developed by Jim Spear in the Master Plan. The estimated cost of the project is $60,000.

Commissioner Kamp asked why Jim Spear did not submit a proposal for the project.

Brad informed him that he did submit a proposal a couple of months ago. He felt Mr. Spear was lacking detail on the last project. For example, he left out the irrigation system. He recommended trying someone new for the 11th hole project.

The Board directed staff to proceed with getting a proposal from Gill Miller and submit it to the Board at the May meeting for approval.

Commissioner Hutter stated that he did not want to see any major projects this summer on the golf course. He felt it was necessary to maximize use of the golf course this summer.

Brad indicated that there would be some small projects completed this summer that will not affect play.

Commissioner Hutter stated that we need to get women to play at the golf course and those costs are minimal.

Steve informed the Board that Brad would get proposals for the improvements to the ladies tees.

Brad informed the Board that he is approximately two weeks away from being able to get into the new addition to the maintenance facility. During this past week, the work has been progressing well.

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Stu informed the Board that he received three proposals for the dredging of the riverfront at Leach Park. McAdam Constructionís bid was received after the report was submitted and totaled $51,700. McCubbin Constructionís bid was the low bid. The reason for the big difference in bids is that McCubbin has the equipment and the other two companies would have to rent the equipment.

Stu also informed the Board that if the dredging were done the mechanical way, it would tear up the park. The sidewalks and landscaping will be torn up and the park would have to be closed for a couple of weeks. In light of this, Stu stated that he would be meeting with a company named Nutri Jet out of Hudson, Iowa on Tuesday. They have a floating barge that would pump silt over the levee. Stu had received a price from the same company to dredge the lagoon in Middle Park. In looking at those costs, the project may be close to what the low bid was from McCubbin and the park will not be torn up. The owner of Nutri Jet has talked with Bill Ashton of Ashton Engineering. His only concern is the area that the material would be pumped to. We may have to build a bowl area to dump the material in. This material will be useful when it dries as topsoil. If Nutri Jet is not interested or the bid is too high, Stu recommended waiting until fall to do the project.

The Board requested this item be placed on Wednesdayís Agenda.

Stu informed the Board that two proposals were received for the pop machines in the parks this summer. Pepsi was the low bid.

On motion by Hutter, seconded by Kamp, to accept the proposal from Pepsi Cola Company with the understanding that they take care of the equipment and all we provide is the electricity.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, and Hutter
Nays: None

Commissioner Glenn recommended contacting the Beverage Companies to see if they have any interest in doing anything for Splash Landing.

The Board authorized staff to contact Coke and Pepsi to see if there is any interest and bring it back to the Board.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that there are a couple of items to be added to Wednesdayís Agenda:
(1) Barnstormers Baseball have a request to use ball fields in Crow Creek Park for a Tournament.
(2) Annual Run with Carl request to be held on September 2, 2002 and prizes being offered.
(3) Bruce Black requesting to hold a golf clinic at Palmer Hills Golf Course.

Commissioner Hutter asked about item I on the Consent Agenda. Is there money for Gene Meerís services?

Steve stated there is enough money in the project. There is not much money for change orders. However, Burbach Aquatics projects normally do not have many change orders. We may have to hold off on the water play items. We can write a grant in the fall for those items.

Steve Grimesí monthly administration report is annex #3 to these minutes.

Rita VanWetzingaís recreation and Jon Waddellís golf course administration monthly reports are annex #4 and #5 to these minutes.

The Board reviewed the bid tabulation for the Middle Park Band Shell Parking Lot Extension Project, which is annex #6 to these minutes.

The Board requested discussion of the Band Shell Roadís Parking Extension Project be brought back to Wednesdayís Board meeting. They requested additional information on where in the Capital Improvement Program funds could be obtained to complete the project in concrete. They also requested information on what the advantage was to go with concrete versus blacktop.

Commissioner Hutter stated the importance to reprioritize Capital Improvement Program funds in order to complete the River Drive Recreation Trail. He would like to see the pool and River Drive Recreation Trail completed this year.

Steve Grimes stated that it was important to complete the Band Shell project because of the Centennial Celebration next year.

The Board set the Skate Park Dedication on June 29, 2002, at 10:00 am. The Board will review this date with Commissioner Makoben at the Wednesday Board meeting.

Steve informed the Board that only two Requests for Qualifications for Golf Course Clubhouse Architectís were received. There has not been time to follow up as to why we did not get more and this will be brought back to the Board in May.

Steve informed the Board that the REAP grant applications are due in July and Bi-State Regional Commission has been assisting putting them together. He had two recommendations for grant applications: (1) Acquisition of the Church of Latter Day Saints property for access to the Duck Creek Recreation Trail. The appraisal completed by Doug Nelson for the 15 acres totaled $75,000. Some of the 15 acres is developable. (2) Funds for the initial development of Field Sike Park.

On motion by Hutter, seconded by Kamp, to pursue a REAP grant for the McCarthy Bush Field Sike Park initial development.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, and Hutter
Nays: None

Steve informed the Board that the proposals came in on Friday for the Centennial Garden plant materials. They were difficult to decipher and Sue Laimans will come up with a recommendation to be presented at Wednesdayís Board Meeting.

Steve reported that the annual request from the Quad City Radio Group was on Jon Waddellís report. The radio group provides airtime and in return gets a dollar value in green fees. They play golf during the evenings on weekdays.

On motion by Hutter, seconded by Kamp, to enter into an agreement with the Quad City Radio Group.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, and Hutter
Nays: None

On motion by Hutter, seconded by Kamp, to adjourn the meeting at 4:55 pm.

Adamson (Chairman)

Kamp (Vice Chairman)

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