PV school board meeting May 2002

K-8 librarians Joel Haack, Bev Anderson, and Nancy Dehner presented a PowerPoint program describing how they will reconfigure the delivery of elementary library services next year.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Phyllis Ahlstrand. Members present: Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton. Absent: None. Also present: Dale Barber, Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Nancy Dehner, Bev Anderson, Joel Haack, Mary Louise Speer, Chris Harvey, and others.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: Director Thornton congratulated the high school band and choral departments for their #1 rated performances at the State Large Group competition.

Director Barsness congratulated the high school Multi-Occupation students for their achievements and thanked them for inviting the Board to their annual recognition banquet. The Multi-Occupations teacher is Paul Jones.

Dr. Barber congratulated the instrumental music students and directors who participated in the All-District Band Concert for their outstanding performance on May 2.

Dr. Spelhaug thanked parents and volunteer workers for helping to provide a very successful Prom and After Prom Event.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Barsness, second by Dayman that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda consists of the following: approval of the minutes of the April 22, 2002, Regular Board meeting; the employment of Marisa McClain as one-third time Spanish instructor at PVCHS and Crystal Neuhaus as a kindergarten teacher for the 2002-03 school year; the resignation of Jay Griebel as head 8th grade girls volleyball coach; the employment of Carrie Landau as Head Sophomore softball coach and Duane Dawson as Boys Golf Coach for the 2002-2003 season; and the probationary employment of Paula Buzzell as educational aide at Riverdale Heights Elementary; two open enrollment applications-out to Bettendorf Schools for the 2001-02 school year that we recommend be approved and one open enrollment application-out to Davenport Schools for the 2002-03 school year which we recommend be denied due to late application.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Dayman, second by Coon that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $77,108.69 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $11,416.28 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Thornton that Elementary/Junior High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $3,706.73 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Coon, second by Barsness that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $31,277.08 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Barsness, second by Coon that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $19,085.33 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

ELEMENTARY LIBRARY PROPOSAL: K-8 librarians Joel Haack, Bev Anderson, and Nancy Dehner presented a PowerPoint program describing how they will reconfigure the delivery of elementary library services next year. The instructional support levy supported the hiring of an additional librarian to make this recommendation possible. Changes in the delivery system include flexible scheduling and significant upgrades in technology hardware and software. The librarians plan for more collaboration with teachers to support curriculum, materials selection, and technology integration. The goal is to make the library a more dynamic partner in the teaching and learning process.

Motion by Thornton, second by Romans that the Board approve the changes to the elementary library delivery system as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans. Nays - none. Motion carried.

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: The week of May 5-11 is Teacher Appreciation Week. President Ahlstrand read the following proclamation into the minutes:

Whereas, a strong, effective system of free public school education for all children and youth is essential to our democratic system of government; and

Whereas, the United States has made considerable progress in the social, technological, and scientific fields due to our system of free and universal public education; and Whereas, much of this progress can be attributed to the qualified and dedicated teachers entrusted with the educational development of our children to their full potential; and

Whereas, teachers should be accorded high public esteem, reflecting the value the community places on public education; and

Whereas, PTAs on every level nationwide are keenly aware of the importance and impact of teachers on children; and

Whereas, it is appropriate that teachers be recognized for this dedication and commitment to educating their students;

Therefore, I Phyllis Ahlstrand, President of the Board of Education of Pleasant Valley Community School District, hereby proclaim May 5-11, 2002, Teacher Appreciation Week and urge all citizens to pay tribute to our public school teachers.

SCHOOL BOARD RECOGNITION WEEK: Dr. Barber presented Certificates of Appreciation to Board members and expressed the district's appreciation for their time and commitment to education. School Board Recognition Week is May 12-18.

BID INFORMATION & RECOMMENDATION FOR JUNIOR HIGH INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC CLASSROOM ADDITION: Dr. Barber shared bidding information regarding the Junior High Instrumental Music addition. Bids were received at 3:00 p.m. on April 25, 2002. The low base bid was submitted by BMW Builders of Muscatine in the amount of $215,709.00. BMW had listed Alternate #1 for not providing installation of music instrument storage casework as an addition of $22,847.00 where it should have been a deduct. BMW Manager Brian Wolfe has sent the District a letter confirming that they will accept the project, including all storage casework, for the base bid of $215,709.00. Dr. Barber explained that this is an excellent bid for the project when consideration has been given to the fact that the range of base bids was from a low of $215,709.00 to a high of $263,000.00. Dr. Barber recommended that the Board accept the base bid, including music instrument storage casework, of $215,709.00 from BMW Builders of Muscatine, Iowa.

PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNIOR HIGH INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC CLASSROOM ADDITION: President Ahlstrand opened a public hearing, to allow for public input at 7:40 p.m. There were no comments from the public. The hearing was then closed at 7:41 p.m.

Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that the Board approve the low bid, including music instrument storage casework, of $215,709.00 from BMW Builders of Muscatine, Iowa, for the Junior High Instrumental Music Classroom Addition as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon. Nays - none. Motion carried.

DIRECTOR DISTRICT REDISTRICTING: Jeff Phillips from Bi-State Regional Commission developed the proposed 2002 Pleasant Valley Director District map which minimizes changes in existing boundary lines and keeps the population deviation among districts to 5.1%, which is well below the 10% maximum allowed by law. The County Auditor's office assisted in changing the written descriptions of the director districts.

Dr. Barber recommended that the Board approve the proposed 2002 Pleasant Valley Director District map developed by Bi-State Regional Commission for submission to the Iowa Secretary of State. Motion by Barsness, second by Coon that the Board approve the 2002 Director District Redistricting Map developed by the Bi-State Regional Commission as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand. Nays - none. Motion carried.

REVISION OF BOARD POLICY 802.3R "STUDENT FEE WAIVER & REDUCTION PROCEDURES: As was shared with the Board at our last meeting, the administration is recommending a revision to Board Policy 802.3R, "Student Fee Waiver & Reduction Procedures". The recommended change is to strike "A partial waiver shall be based on the same percentage as the reduced price meals." and add "The reduction percentage will be forty percent." This change will reflect what the district has been doing in practice and what has been the practice of many other districts when dealing with partial fee waivers

Motion by Thornton, second by Dayman that the Board approve the revision to Board Policy 802.3R "Student Fee Waiver & Reduction Procedures" as presented. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Romans. Nays - none. Motion Carried.

FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF HIGH SCHOOL RUNNING TRACK RESURFACING: Chief Financial Officer, Mike Clingingsmith reported that all of the work on the High School Running Track Surface Replacement Project has been completed and the District has received a letter from Missman, Stanley & Associates, P.C. advising that final payment be made to the contractor, Southwest Recreational Industries, Inc.

Mr. Clingingsmith recommended that the Board approve final acceptance of the High School Running Track Surface Replacement Project. Per Section 573 of the Iowa Code, this will begin the thirty day time line required for subcontractors to make claims against Southwest Recreational Industries, Inc. He explained that the district knows of no claims pending. At the end of the thirty day period, final payment of money retained (5%) for completion of the project will be paid.

Motion by Romans, second by Thornton that the Board approve final acceptance of the High School Running Track Surface Replacement Project. Roll call vote. Ayes - Romans, Thornton, Ahlstrand, Barsness, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara. Nays - none. Motion carried.

The Board adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

PV Summer Tennis Is Back at the PVCHS Tennis Courts!

Tuesday Night Tennis - from 6:30 -8:30 throughout the summer, for incoming 7th grade through 12th grade boys and girls.

More information will be coming soon for the PV Open Youth Tennis Tournament and also the return of the PV Summer Tennis Clinic for kids in next year's grades 3-9.


Bridgeview School is compiling a list of children to be considered for next year's Title I Preschool classes. These classes will be held at Bridgeview but will include students from both the Cody and Bridgeview attendance areas. The program is federally funded and is offered to students four years of age or older on or before September 15, 2002. Please call Bridgeview School at 289-4781 for more information.

Congratulations! to PVJH 8th grader Jeff Rice for being selected to attend the Iowa Governor's Institute in July. Jeff is one of 72 students selected and will receive a $750 scholarship.

Pleasant Valley Schools Foundation Alumni Data Base If you are an alumnus of Pleasant Valley Community Schools, we'd like to hear from you. We are developing an alumni data base and will make this available for class reunions. Please let us know your address and phone number and year of graduation so you can be kept informed of your class events. Call (319)332-5550 or e-mail harveychris@pleasval.k12.ia.us.

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