Park board discusses improvements to Palmer Hills course and clubhouse
FEBRUARY 13, 2002
The Bettendorf Park Board held their regular meeting on February 13, 2002, at 7:00 pm in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.
Present: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Absent: None
Chairman Adamson opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the Agenda.
There was no one present to address the Board regarding items not on the Agenda.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, that the minutes of the special meeting held on January 14, 2002, and the regular meeting held on January 16, 2002, be approved and placed on file for future reference.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, that the bills be allowed as presented and that the secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
A list of the bills is annex #1 to these minutes.
Brad Peterson informed the Board that he is working on receiving proposals from architects for the improvements to Hole #11 on the Palmer Hills Golf Course. He stated that he is meeting with different architects on Thursday, February 14th and Friday, February 15th to discuss their cost estimates.
Steve Grimes reminded the Board that they had decided to improve Hole #11 in the spring and Hole #15 in the fall. He noted that improvements on Hole #15 will include adding a tee box, re-sculpting, and cutting down the hillside; and that improvements on Hole #11 will change it from a Par 4 to a Par 5.
Commissioner Glenn asked how far the hillside would be cut down on Hole #15.
Steve replied that the exact figures are hard to say at this point. They will need to obtain soil samples.
Jon Waddell was present to review his monthly golf administration report with the Board which is annex #2 to these minutes.
Jon stated that he had just returned from the annual PGA show and conference and he had not gathered very much information on possible architects for the clubhouse renovation. He did pick up information on two architects with good reputations from Texas and Oklahoma.
Jon also mentioned that we were no longer under contract with our previous advertiser for the tee signs, and that a decision should be made soon on hole changes.
Steve commented that the tee signs were out of date. They were purchased about six years ago. A firm would sell advertising on the signs, so they would pay for themselves. He stated that Jon had looked at granite, which was attractive and durable, but expensive. Some holes need significant renovation, but we donít want to have to replace too many in the future.
Commissioner Kamp asked who would install the new tee signs.
Jon replied that the advertising firm would.
Commissioner Glenn asked how much the granite signs would cost.
Jon replied about $700.00 for a standard tee sign.
Steve returned to the clubhouse discussion and asked the Board to make a decision tonight on how to go about picking an architect for the renovation. We need to look at clubhouse designs and define some clear goals of what we are looking for. We need to obtain a revenue bond soon if we are serious.
Steve recommended two strategies for doing this. The first would be to obtain requests for proposals from several architects. This would involve getting prices first, then picking which architect to go with. The second option would be to obtain requests for qualifications, which would involve picking an architect first, then negotiating the fees.
Commissioner Glenn stated that the time was right to move forward. We have talked about getting a new clubhouse and the interest rates might not be any lower than they are now.
Commissioner Kamp asked if it was possible to obtain design possibilities from several architects as the City of Davenport did for their sky bridge.
Steve replied that this was possible, but at this point, the designs would be extremely conceptual.
Commissioner Glenn stated that we did not need to look at a banquet facility right now. This could be something we add on later down the road.
Commissioner Hutter stated that there is a shortage of banquet facilities, plus he would like to see the golf course open all-year round. He would like to see an Iowa golf hall of fame in Bettendorf. It could help us obtain some grant monies, too. Or it could be an option to do down the road as well.
Steve continued explaining that it would be more appropriate to obtain requests for qualifications because we are not sure what we want to do. We need to define a set of goals, work through the process with the architect, and work with a committee of golfers and staff. The task now is to instruct staff to advertise the request for qualifications, develop the committee, and set up interviews with architects.
Commissioner Kamp requested that Steve include guidelines to the request for qualifications.
Steve stated that he would get samples of other requests for qualifications and review them with the Board at Marchís Board meeting.
Chairman Adamson asked Greg Jager if this would go against the revenue bond.
Greg Jager replied that no, not with a true revenue bond. He stated that they would need to talk to the bond council for more information. The city was allowed to obtain $10,000 in bonds in a year without taxes, so it is a timing issue. If other departments within the city were requesting bonds, plus the CIP schedule, you would need to request your bond within the sequence and amount limit.
Steve explained that he met with the City Council at their budget meeting. They are aware of our clubhouse plans, the fact that we have some funds set aside, and that we are looking for the revenue bond to pay for it. They are interested, but they will have to authorize the bond.
The Board instructed staff to begin obtaining the request for qualifications.
Commissioner Hutter asked Jon Waddell about his current education situation as a PGA golf professional.
Jon explained that he recently passed all the exams and licenses, and he was currently on the last step.
Steve informed the Board that 25 people attended the education conference, each spending $1500 to do so. Of that 25, 18 passed their exams, but 7 went home to do it over again. He complimented Jon on his achievements.
The Park Board congratulated Jon on his recent successes.
Commissioner Hutter asked Jon what his next step would be.
Jon replied that he was given a Work Experience Kit that reviews on-the-job training and discussion involved with that. He has to prepare a 20-minute presentation on final experiences and a challenge response issue. Then there is a simulated interview with PGA faculty. Then, hopefully, they will elect him into the PGA at that time. He expects to be completed by the end of 2003, if not sooner.
Commissioner Hutter discussed with the Board his recent potential nomination to the Board of Trustees for the Great Lakes Region through the National Parks and Recreation Association. He felt honored to have been asked and requested the Board members to allow him to accept the position if he is chosen. The position would involve attending two or three meetings a year.
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, commending Commissioner Hutter on his nomination and wholeheartedly supporting his nomination and hoping he succeeds in acquiring the office and thereafter attending the Board meetings as necessary.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, and Makoben
Nays: None
Abstained: Hutter
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, to allow Commissioner Hutter to accept and to authorize expenditure of funds.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, and Makoben
Nays: None
Abstained: Hutter
Steve gave each of the Board members a copy of the recent citywide survey results for their review and information.
Steve mentioned that RiverAction, Inc. requested permission to hold their ìEddyî Awards in Pigeon Creek Park in April.
Steve also mentioned to the Board that the concessionaire proposal was on the consent agenda for approval. He met with the owner of Hungry Boy Deli at the concession stand yesterday and everything went fine. The owner had no questions. We will be providing a freezer, a refrigerator, shelving, and a leased ice machine.
Commissioner Kamp requested a clause be inserted into the lease agreement stating that no subletting was allowed.
Greg Jager stated that if the Board wishes to consider the proposal with that clause in it, you could leave it on the consent agenda. If you wish to follow the proper guidelines, you would pull the item off the consent agenda, motion to accept the amendment to include the subletting clause, then vote on the item again.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to pull Item K from the consent agenda.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Hutter, Glenn, and Makoben
Nays: None
On motion by Kamp, seconded by Glenn, to amend the lease to include a paragraph that would say no subleasing or subletting would be allowed.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Hutter, to approve Item K as amended, and to adopt Resolution #13-02.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
The lease agreement and Resolution #13-02 are annex #3 to these minutes.
On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the January budget and revenue reports.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
The January budget and revenue reports are annex #4 to these minutes.
The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the thank you letter from Arc of Scott County dated January 8, 2002 for use of the Community Center for the Annual Winter Party. The letter is annex #5 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the Bettendorf Park Foundation Financial Report dated December 31, 2001. The report is annex #6 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive, approve, and file the special event application from Gloria Dlouhy dated January 24, 2002 requesting the use of the Band Shell Shelter on May 24, 2002 for the Pleasant Valley High School Senior Picnic. The request is annex #7 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive, approve, and file the letter from Dale Barber dated January 15, 2002 requesting use of the Palmer Hills Golf Course for the Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundationís April 28, 2002 Golf/Tennis Benefit. The letter is annex #8 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive, approve, and file the letter from Kevin Ketelsen dated February 5, 2002 requesting the waiver of rental fees for the use of the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center gym on February 16, 2002 for their Jaycees Super Shooter Contest. The letter is annex #9 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive, approve, and file the letter from Beth McDermott dated January 31, 2002 requesting usage of the Band Shell Shelter for July 13, 2002 for the Modern Woodmen of America employee picnic. The letter is annex #10 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to adopt Resolution #10-02, approving payment #1 to Ashton Engineering, Inc. for professional services on the Pigeon Creek Park Project. Resolution #10-02 is annex #11 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to receive and file the Trees Are Us Committee meeting minutes for January 16, 2002. The minutes are annex #12 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to adopt Resolution #11-02, approving payment #1 to Burbach Aquatics, LLC for design fees on the Splash Landing Renovation Project. Resolution #11-02 is annex #13 to these minutes.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Glenn, to adopt Resolution #12-02, awarding contract for construction of the retaining wall along Duck Creek to Hawkeye Paving of Bettendorf, Iowa. Resolution #12-02 is annex #14 to these minutes.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None
Chairman Adamson asked Greg Jager if he had any legal updates.
Greg replied none to report at this time.
Commissioner Kamp stated that within the next two weeks they would be conducting the final Skate Park Committee meeting to finalize the sign. Skate Wave will be present to get some feedback from the skaters.
Commissioner Hutter stated that the superintendent of the Pleasant Valley School District had mentioned at a recent meeting with the public that the relationship between the Bettendorf Park Board and the School Districts was great.
On motion by Hutter, seconded by Makoben, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Adamson (Chairman)
Kamp (Vice Chairman)