PV School Board meeting 3.04.02

District-wide study teams to be formed to develop implementation plan recommendations for modified school year, scheduled school day, and high school graduation requirements.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Phyllis Ahlstrand. Members present: Ahlstrand, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara, Thornton. Absent: Barsness and Romans. Also present: Dale Barber, Jim Spelhaug, Mike Clingingsmith, Michele Barnes, Mary Louise Speer, Chris Harvey, and others.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by O'Hara, second by Coon that the Board hold a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Open Meetings Law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation, and that individual has requested a closed session. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Thornton, Ahlstrand, Coon, Dayman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

AGENDA APPROVED: Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that the Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: President Ahlstrand welcomed students from the High School's American Government classes.

Director Coon thanked Elementary Science Specialist David Langtimm for an outstanding Science Fair held at Riverdale Heights.

Director O'Hara asked if the City of Bettendorf had given consideration to a stop light on Belmont Road at the High School. Dr. Barber replied that he would contact the City.

Dr. Barber reported that the staff and administration of Pleasant View and the Junior High had met this week with architect Steve Zbylicki to view revised drawings of the Pleasant View classroom addition and the Junior High music addition that had been updated following initial input from the staffs at each building. The recommendation for final approval of drawings and bidding documents for the Junior High project will be on the March 18 Board Agenda. The Pleasant View addition drawings and bidding documents will be on a Board Agenda for final approval in mid April.

Director Dayman asked if the Pleasant View addition would allow for improvement to be made to the school's metal fascia. Dr. Barber replied that the metal fascia would be replaced as part of window and roofing replacement projects which are currently scheduled for the Summer of 2003.

Dr. Spelhaug thanked everyone who participated in the evening seminar "Adolescence! Years of Wonder and Risk" on Wednesday, February 27. He estimated that between 80-85 people attended. He gave special thanks to Dr. John Stecker, M.D., Vera French Mental Health Center, Chris McCormick Pries, R.N. A.R.N.P., Vera French Mental Health Center, Dawn and Brad Knutson, parents who lost a child to suicide, Jody White, Clerk of Court, and Sandy Squire, Center for Alcohol and Drug Services.

Dr. Spelhaug thanked the committee that helped in the selection process of the Orchestral Strings Director. Committee members are: Don Dehner, Meg Byrne, Drew Anderson, Laurie Skjerseth, Debbie Menke, Carl Collins, Kris Joy, Janina Herlich.

The Board and Administration congratulated PVCHS National Merit Scholarship Finalists William Conway and Margaret Bacon and semi-finalists Carrie Claussen and Michelle Persky.

CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by O'Hara second by Dayman that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

The Consent Agenda consists of the following:
approval of the minutes of the February 19, 2002, Regular Board meeting; the employment of Robert E. Swinney as Orchestral Strings Director for the 2002-03 school year; the regular employment of Mary Noack as a library assistant at Bridgeview Elementary and Bruce Hokanson as a bus driver; and the resignation of Judy Schwartz as Junior High Volleyball Coach; seven open enrollment applications-one in from Davenport for 2001-02 and one in from Bettendorf Schools for 2001-02, three in from Davenport Schools for 2002-03, one in from Bettendorf Schools for 2002-03 and one out to Bettendorf Schools for 2002-03.

EXPENSES APPROVED: Motion by Dayman, second by Thornton that General Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $73,244.61 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Thornton, second by Dayman that Nutrition Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $31,813.17 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Coon that Elementary/Junior High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $3,184.60 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Coon, second by Thornton that High School Activity Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $14,956.37 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that Schoolhouse Fund warrants be issued in the total amount of $51,979.77 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Dayman, second by O'Hara that Internal Service Fund warrant be issued in the total amount of $4,000.00 in payment of invoices presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

JUNIOR HIGH AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMMING: Jim Spelhaug shared with the Board brief descriptions of a variety of after school activities being considered for the Junior High. The Board provided input relative to these ideas and others. In the face of budget cuts it is uncertain which of these additions will go forward.

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT TEAM FOLLOW-UP: The School Improvement Team met on February 19 and discussed positives, negatives, parameters, and questions for each of the three School Improvement Concepts (modified school year, scheduled school day, and high school graduation requirements). The Board discussed the recommendations and whether or not to take any or all of them to the study committee stage. The study committee stage would involve a broad based community group which would address the issues raised from the School Improvement Team and develop implementation recommendations.

Motion by O'Hara, second by Coon that District wide study teams be formed to develop implementation plan recommendations for modified school year, scheduled school day, and high school graduation requirements. Roll call vote. Ayes - O'Hara, Thornton, Ahlstrand, Coon, Dayman. Nays - none. Motion carried.

2002-03 PRELIMINARY PROPERTY TAX LEVY RATE: Chief Financial Officer Mike Clingingsmith presented a preliminary review of 2002-03 property tax levy rates for Board discussion. Because the Iowa Legislature has not yet set the 2002-03 allowable growth rate, the preliminary levy rate proposals were figured for four possible allowable growth rate options (-1%, 0%, 1% and 4%). Regardless at what percentage the Legislature sets the allowable growth, the total tax levy will not exceed $13.46/1000 taxable valuation as the voters were promised during the Instructional Support Levy campaign last December.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board met in Executive Session from 8:19 p.m. until 9:01 p.m.

APPOINTMENT OF BRIDGEVIEW ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL: In open session, motion by Thornton, second by O'Hara that the Board appoint Ms. Michele Barnes as Principal of Bridgeview Elementary for the 2002-03 school year. Roll call vote. Ayes - Thornton, Ahlstrand, Coon, Dayman, O'Hara. Nays - none. Motion carried. Ms. Barnes has been an elementary principal for the past sixteen years and is currently principal of Okoboji Elementary in Milford, Iowa, a position she has held since 1995.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Next Board Meeting Monday, March 18, 2002 7:00 p.m. Belmont Administration Center ****************************************************

You Are Invited!

Building Developmental Assets Within Your Children Hosted by Riverdale Heights PTA Tuesday, March 19, 2002 7:00 p.m. Riverdale Heights Cafeteria

The research is clear that the more Developmental Assets a child has, the less likely they are to engage in high risk behaviors. This hour long workshop is designed to provide participants an introduction to Asset Development and useful suggestions/reminders for using the Asset Development Model in their daily interaction with children.


SIGN UP! for Pleasant Valley Schools Educational Foundation's ANNUAL GOLF BENEFIT . . . Presented by Alcoa at Palmer Hills Golf Course Monday, April 29, 2002.

11:00 a.m. Shot Gun Start.

Funds raised provide PVCHS student scholarships.

Cost - $125 which includes green fees, carts, snacks, beverages, & pork chop sandwiches at the conclusion.

Hole & Tee Sponsorships available at $100 each.

Plan to join us for an afternoon of golf while benefiting PVCHS seniors!

Visit the District website www.pleasval.k12.ia.us for a registration form.

Contact Chris Harvey at (563)332-5550 or harveychris@pleasval.k12.ia.us

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