Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2002

Board discusses marketing of Life Fitness Center memberships

JANUARY 14, 2002

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on January 14, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.

Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Absent: None

Nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Park Board for 2002 were opened.

Commissioner Glenn nominated Joe Hutter for Chairman.

Commissioner Makoben nominated Greg Adamson for Chairman.

A vote was taken for Greg Adamson as Chairman.

Glenn, no
Kamp, yes
Makoben, yes
Hutter, yes
Adamson, yes

Commissioner Glenn indicated he would change his vote to make it unanimous.

Commissioner Glenn nominated Gary Kamp for Vice Chairman

A vote was taken for Gary Kamp for Vice Chairman.

Hutter, yes
Adamson, yes
Glenn, yes
Kamp, yes
Makoben, yes

Chairman Hutter turned over the Chair to Greg Adamson.

Chairman Adamson thanked Joe Hutter for the record for his leadership as Chairman for the last two years.

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf course maintenance monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Brad reported that the work on the maintenance facility has been good, but the progress has been slow.

Commissioner Makoben asked Brad to explain the change order on the maintenance addition.

Brad indicated that the work included in the change order was not spelled out in the specifications. The specifications were reviewed in length by the building department and they felt they were solid specs. Other contractors that did bid on the project felt it was just a common sense item, but since it was not in black and white and if we want it done, we will have to pay for it.

The change order does not include removal and reinstallation of the existing overhead doors and we will get prices from other vendors for that.

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the monthly recreation report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Commissioner Kamp stated that the survey indicated that the staff is doing a good job and they should be congratulated.

Commissioner Hutter stated that the survey answers the question reference the hours of operation.

Commissioner Glenn informed the Board that the marketing committee met last Monday to talk about what could be done to market the Life Fitness Center more to try and maintain the membership at the current level when the YMCA becomes a reality. The committee looked at offering packages with Splash Landing and discounts at the golf course. The committee is meeting again tomorrow and should be a committee that should be working forever.

Commissioner Glenn also informed the Board that the committee working with the YMCA met. They are going to build the YMCA in Bettendorf and we will be in competition with them and we need to work with them. We have more to offer them than they have to offer us. The pool has been a big drain on the Life Fitness Center. If we would have known that the Y was going to build one, we should not have built one.

Rita reviewed all the facilities that the YMCA has planned to build. They are building three indoor pools. We should have added on the cardio and locker rooms. We are looking at a cooperative effort with the YMCA and discussed joint use of staff. Lisa Brown is a member of the marketing committee and she was going to discuss our strategy with the City Council at their goal setting meeting for their feedback.

Commissioner Glenn stated until the Board sees what the City Council is going to do about helping us with the pool, we should not talk about fees. We donít want to increase fees and have to come back again with another rate increase.

Rita stated that somebody needs to tell us what the game plan is. Is the City Council going to underwrite any deficit we may experience with loss of memberships at the Life Fitness Center with the new YMCA? She estimated an approximate $65,000 to $70,000 in revenues or 300 memberships.

Steve stated that we are not looking at a decision from the Board today on fees. We are still looking at the different options available. He talked with Tim Stecker and Lisa Brown today and they only presented the information to the City Council and hope to get a more solid direction at a later date.

Commissioner Hutter asked if the Y has any religious connections? He also expressed his concerns if the City Council will be able to help with marketing. There is no funding.

Rita stated that the city is paying for marketing programs for other departments.

Rita explained to the Board that the number of memberships at the present time is not a problem. We need to look at our membership fees; they need to be increased. The 11% fee increase will only cover the operating expenses projected for 2002/2003.

Commissioner Glenn stated that the city came out in support of the Y and said that it should not affect the business of either side.

Rita stated that it is a facility that will be in direct competition with us.

Commissioner Hutter stated he talked to Decker Ploehn when the City Council letter came out in support of their facility. He expressed that the City should not support the Y financially.

Steve stated that he will keep the Board up to date on future marketing committee meetings and the fee increase discussion will be tabled at this time.

Rita reviewed Dr. John Karabatsos letter dated December 18, 2001. He requested use of the Life Fitness Center for rehab for his clients. They would purchase a yearly membership, and he would provide the necessary insurance for his treatment program. A copy of the letter is annex #3 to these minutes.

On motion by Hutter, seconded by Makoben, to enter into an agreement with Dr. Karabatsos, and if anyone else approaches the Board with a similar request they will be treated the same way.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Kamp, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

Stu reviewed the four bids received for the improvements to the Duck Creek Recreation Trail. The bid tabulation sheet is annex #5 to these minutes. The low bid was from Tri City Blacktop. There is enough funding to do the alternate of widening the path from eight foot to ten foot. The improvements are being made along the recreation trail from 18th Street to Middle Road. The Resolution will be prepared and placed on the Wednesday Board Meeting Agenda.

Chairman Adamson asked what the timetable is for the installation of the playground equipment in McManus Park.

Stu reported that it is planned to take place the last two weekends in April.

Steve reviewed Jon Waddellís monthly golf administration report, which is annex #6 to these minutes. He informed the Board that he has not been able to get all the information from clubhouse architects. Also, the cigarette inventory is gone and the sale of tobacco products has been discontinued, effective December 24, 2002, the last day of business. The course will be reopened if we have some consistent nice weather.

Commissioner Kamp asked if we need a golf course architect for the clubhouse or if we can use a local architect.

Steve stated that he would like to acquire examples of other clubhouses before going to a local architect.

Commissioner Hutter suggested rather than hire an architect, if you find a clubhouse you like, purchase the plans. Start looking at other clubhouses in other cities.

Steve Grimes asked if the Board had any questions on the administration monthly report, which is annex #7 to these minutes.

Commissioner Makoben stated he thought we were going to apply for a grant for the crosswalk signal at Devils Glen and Crow Creek Roads.

Steve stated that Wally Mook is looking into the costs and options for the crosswalk.

Steve stated that he received a request from Lisa Brown, representing Scott Community College, for a golf outing fundraiser on Friday, May 17, 2002. The staff is recommending approval of the golf event, but not a shotgun start. This request is on the consent agenda for approval at the Wednesday meeting.

Steve also stated that a request from the Pleasant Valley Girls Softball Association will be added to the Wednesday consent agenda to host the NSA State Girls Softball Tournament at Crow Creek Park on May 11 and 12, 2002. Staff recommends approval of tournament, but not their request for concessions unless we do not have a vendor in the concession facility.

Steve stated that the Board made the decision to proceed on opening the zero depth only for the 2002 season and suggested sending a letter to all season pass holders from last year with an update on what is planned as well as press releases for the general public.

Monty Yegge reviewed the operating budget for 2002/2003. The changes were very minimal from the previous yearís budget. All personnel costs are being calculated by the cityís personnel and finance departments.

Commissioner Hutter informed the Board that it looks like the grant will be approved for the Ambassador Program this summer. The Park Foundation is planning to cover the $2,000.00 funding needed to participate in the program.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, the meeting was adjourned at 5:21 p.m.

Adamson (Chairman)

Kamp (Vice Chairman)

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