Park Board debates location, funding of skate park.
DECEMBER 12, 2000
The Bettendorf Park Board held a Special Meeting on December 12, 2000 in the Canteen Room at 4:00 pm.
Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Absent: None
Steve Grimes presented information for the River Action regarding an ÏEddyÓ Award recognizing individuals, organizations, companies, schools, or governments for outstanding riverfront activity or development. A copy of the information is annex #1 to these minutes.
Steve recommended submitting a nomination for Eagle's Landing for a River Action Award.
The Board approved and authorized the Director to proceed with the nomination.
The Director's monthly report is annex #2 to these minutes.
Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.
Stu informed the Board that the contractor for Phase II development in Crow Creek Park agreed with the $6,400 liquidated damages for being late on the completion of the project. This amount will be subtracted from the final payment in January.
Stu reported that the Department of Transportation approved the signage for Eagle's Landing. The highway department is making the signs.
The Board reviewed the monthly report for recreation and the golf course. These reports are annex #4 to these minutes.
Commissioner Adamson stated that he disagrees with the replacement of the filter system for Splash Landing. He wanted noted for the record that he is only voting for Burback Aquatics to complete the design, specifications, and form of contract for the filtration system.
Chairman Hutter stated that within the last two weeks the Board was fortunate to receive grants from SCRA for $50,000 and RDA for $15,000 for a Skate Park. One of the recommendations they put in the grant was that it be located in Middle Park. Does the Board want to accept funding and look at other locations in Middle Park?
The Board must sign the agreement for the grant and the terms by December 31, 2000. The agreements are annex #5 to these minutes.
Commissioner Kamp stated that the Skate Park Committee talked about other parks. Middle Park was the best park because of the amenities: restrooms, water, playground, recreation trail, security, and visibility.
Steve reviewed the locations discussed by the committee: (1) Top of the hill in Middle Park on the backside of Lowry Field. This location was eliminated. (2) Lower part of Middle Park in the 23rd Street area by the band shell between the sand volleyball courts and the new entrance. (3) Crow Creek Park.
Chairman Hutter explained that there are over 22 communities in the state of Iowa that are building or have built a skate park. The area needed is the size of two tennis courts. He recommended having the staff mark off the recommended site for the public to view and conduct another public hearing in February.
One of the residents present asked how a skate park would impact the city liability insurance.
Chairman Hutter explained that a new law was passed to exempt skate parks from lawsuits. That is why there are so many other cities building skate parks. This is growing in popularity and that is why the Board is looking into this.
Steve explained that the new law reduces liability. Statistics show that skate parks are no more dangerous than other activities offered.
Sue Johnson, 2360 Wrenwood Court, stated that she felt it was wonderful that the city is getting a grant for a skate park and liked activities to keep kids involved. Her biggest concern is the bike path. The bike path is a very busy place and to add a skate park, with the kids coming to and from the skate park, will increase the traffic and add to the problem.
Diane Rodgers, 2364 Palmera Court, stated her concerns that the grants only total $65,000 and the proposed cost at the last meeting was $245,000. She also requested information on who determined the stipulation of the Middle Park location. Also, she reminded the Board of the problems at Middle Park with the basketball courts.
Steve stated that it was a governmental section of the two grant authorities that makes the decisions on the grants. They felt it was a more accessible location.
Commissioner Kamp stated that he would respond to the financial questions. The Board was encouraged to apply for another grant from the SCRA and RDA again in the spring. The kids are interested enough to have a fund raiser and approach businesses to donate labor and materials. We also have money in the capital improvement program for this project. The security issue will be addressed as problems occur. The people who will be using the facility will not want it closed and will want to take ownership and protect it.
Barbara McFate, 2007 Valley Vista Drive, stated that this would be a facility that for the most part will be unsupervised. She feels the parents should be responsible for their own children and be able to drive them to another location for a skate park. The kids now want to have ownership but four years from now you wonÃŒt have the same kids involved.
She also stated her concerns with the amount of noise for this type of activity.
Chairman Hutter stated that the businesses do not like the skate boarders using their parking lots. If we have a place for them to go, the police will be able to direct them where they can skateboard or in-line skate. If there are several skaters there, there will be a patrol car there on a more regular basis.
On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to accept the grant, subject to the location.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None
Commissioner Glenn recommended inviting the SCRA and RDA representatives to the next public hearing.
Steve reminded the Board that the dedication of the lap pool would be on December 15, 2000 at 4:00 pm. It will be a 10-15 minute celebration.
Steve presented a proposal from Frye Builders to furnish and install ice guard straps over 700 l.f. of distance on the existing 4:12 slope of the Life Fitness Center at a cost of $7,425. There is a problem with the snow falling off the roof, hitting the gutters and damaging them. Then the snow piles up on the sidewalk. The cost includes repairing all the gutters and installing the snow guard on the rest of the building to stop future damage. The proposal is annex #6 to these minutes.
The Board agreed to seek two more proposals before making a decision.
Steve informed the Board that Qwest would not install a pay phone at the new concession facility in Crow Creek Park due to vandalism and not generating enough revenue. A cost estimate for the City to install a pay phone was received that exceeded $5,000 for installation alone. There will be a telephone at the old concession location and staff will be patrolling the park. Steve recommended that the concessionaire provide a cell phone. The pay phone cost estimates are annex #7 to these minutes.
Steve informed the Board that Evan Markley, Eagle Scout, was added to Wednesday's agenda. He will give a presentation on his completed project in Pigeon Creek Park.
On motion by Adamson, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.