Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for October 10, 2001



OCTOBER 10, 2001

The Bettendorf Park Board held their regular meeting on October 10, 2001, at 7:00 pm in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.

Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Absent: None

Chairman Hutter opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the agenda.

There was no one present to address the Board regarding items not on the agenda.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Adamson, that the minutes of the special meeting held on September 10, 2001, and the regular meeting held on September 12, 2001, be approved and placed on file for future reference.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, that the bills be allowed as presented and that the secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

A list of the bills is annex #1 to these minutes.

Jay Bowman, representing the SOUP Organization, was unable to attend the meeting. His brother, Alex Bowman, was present to address the Board in his place. He requested Board consideration to use Devils Glen Park's Disc Golf Course on October 20, 2001, from 2:00 pm until 6:00 pm for a tournament. They will be charging a $5.00 entry fee and all proceeds will be donated to the local SOUP kitchens.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Adamson, to approve the request from the SOUP Organization to have a disc golf tournament in Devils Glen Park on October 20, 2001.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

Chairman Hutter stated that there would be no problem bringing in beverages for sale, if the pop machines have been removed from the park.

A copy of the SOUP Organization request is annex #2 to these minutes.

The Board reviewed the budget and revenue reports for September 2001.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Adamson, to receive and file the budget and revenue reports for September 2001.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

The reports are annex #3 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that he spoke to Burbach Aquatics regarding the questions the Board had from Monday's meeting. They are researching the questions and should have answers within a few days.

Steve checked with the City of Rock Island about the Longview Pool. The pool was originally a 50 meter, eight lane pool and they are planning to replace the pool and change it to a 25 meter, 4 lane pool. They will have a plunge area for slides and diving boards.

The Board decided to schedule a Courtesy Public Hearing to review the pool design on October 22, 2001, at 7:00 pm. All media will be notified, steering committee members, Channel 9, and the meeting will be posted on signs in front of the Community Center and the Life Fitness Center.

Commissioner Makoben recommended that Burbach come up with a couple of designs for the Park Board and community to review.

Chairman Hutter stated that we might have more than one Public Hearing. He would like to have as much input as possible from the community.

Chairman Hutter also stated that he is concerned about legal action. He suggested having an executive session meeting with the City Council to discuss whether or not we have any legal recourse.

Greg Jager stated that it would be a good idea. The City Council is as concerned as the Park Board about this matter. It might be easier to have everyone in one room at one time. Greg will arrange a joint meeting with approval of Chairman Hutter once he has all his files in order and he collects additional information.

Greg also stated that we might have to tear the pool apart in a special manner to observe the structure as it is disassembled.

Chairman Hutter stated that we need a pool, but we need to gather as much information as we can to try and offset some of the expenses and loss of revenue.

Steve Grimes handed out a brochure from the YMCA containing the information requested concerning their mission and projected projects in the community. This information is annex #4 to these minutes.

Chairman Hutter stated he personally feels the YMCA is going to do what they need to do to enhance their programs.

Commissioner Glenn stated if we do have a committee, he would like to see a member of the City Council on it.

Chairman Hutter asked the other Board Members if they wanted a joint committee with the YMCA.

Commissioner Kamp stated that we should have one and see if it is effective.

Chairman Hutter stated that we should make sure they are open meetings. A letter will be sent to the Mayor to see if someone from the City Council would like to be a part of this joint committee. It is very important that Rita be a part of this.

Commission Makoben agreed to be the liaison with Trinity regarding use of the Life Fitness Center for cardiac rehabilitation. Rita will also assist.

Steve informed the Board that the City Council presentation about the Park and Recreation operation is scheduled on October 29, 2001 at 5:00 pm. Steve presented the Board with a copy of the presentation to review. The power point presentation will include pictures.

Chairman Hutter requested the Board Members review the presentation and submit any suggestions for additions or modifications by October 19, 2001.

The Board decided to send a letter to the I & M Rail Link to express concern of closing the 12th Street access to Leach Park without notification. A request will be made in the letter that if this access is to be closed in the future, to notify the Park Board in advance in order for them to inform the residents in the community.

The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, to receive and file the 2001 Annual Report for the Duck Creek Watershed Management Project. Report is annex #5 to these minutes.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, to receive and file the Bettendorf Park Band 2001 Winter Schedule and 2002 Summer Concert Schedule. The Schedules are annex #6 to these minutes.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, to receive and file the Trees Are Us Committee minutes for September 19, 2001. The minutes are annex #7.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, to adopt Resolution #45-01, approving the proposal submitted by Johnson Construction Company in the amount of $7,210.00 to renovate the sand trap on hole #6 at Palmer Hills Golf Course. Resolution #45-01 is annex #8 to these minutes.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, to approve the request from Diane Thul, Division Director of the March of Dimes, to use the Band Shell, shelter area, and Duck Creek Recreation Trail for their annual Walk America on April 27, 2002. The request is annex #9 to these minutes.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

Commissioner Kamp informed the other Board Members that on Saturday, October 13, 2001, at 9:00 am volunteers would be assembling the skate park equipment. If it rains, we will try and reschedule.

Chairman Hutter read a letter received from the Governor's Office informing the Board that Governor Vilsack was unable to attend the dedication at Crow Creek Park on October 11, 2001. The letter is annex #10 to these minutes.

On motion by Adamson, seconded by Kamp, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Hutter (Chairman)

Adamson (Vice Chairman)

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