Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2001




OCTOBER 8, 2001

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on October 8, 2001, at 4:00 pm in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.

Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, Makoben

Absent: None

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Brad reported that he contacted four golf course construction companies for the sand trap renovation on hole #6 and only two submitted proposals: McCubbin Construction and Johnson Construction Company. The low bidder was Johnson Construction in the amount of $7,210.00.

The Board requested a Resolution be drawn up for Wednesday's meeting to approve the proposal as submitted by Johnson Construction and place on the consent agenda.

Brad informed the Board that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the design for the addition to the golf maintenance facility. More landscaping and widening of the access road were changes made to the design. He requested Board approval to advertise for bids.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Adamson, to direct staff to advertise for bids for the golf course maintenance facility addition.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

Rita VanWetzinga submitted the recreation monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. The Board had no questions on her report.

The Board reviewed Stu Smith's monthly park maintenance report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.

Commissioner Glenn informed the other Park Board members that the Cross-Country Trail is excellent and will be very challenging.

Chairman Hutter stated to have the MAC Conference Cross Country Meet at the new trail in Crow Creek Park is a big honor for Bettendorf. The layout of the trail will add to the uniqueness of the trail and perhaps we will be able to host the State Meet.

The Board reviewed the Director's monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

Steve Grimes informed the Board that two items would be added to the Wednesday night agenda. (1) Jay Bowman will address the Board regarding hosting a disc golf tournament in Devils Glen Park to raise money for the local soup kitchens. (2) The March of Dimes organization is requesting use of the band shell, shelter, and recreation trail for their annual Walk America Event on April 27, 2002. This item will be placed on the consent agenda.

The Board reviewed Jon Waddell's golf administration monthly report, which is annex #5 to these minutes.

Commissioner Makoben recommended looking into some kind of appreciation for leagues at the golf course, such as a free round of golf.

Steve presented information received from Burbach Aquatics: a cover letter, recommended design and cost estimates for a new filter system and main pool, which is annex #6 to these minutes.

Steve explained that Burbach was contracted a year ago to redesign the filter system. Since that time, we asked for a recommendation about all the other problems experienced at Splash Landing. Burbach is recommending replacing both the filter system and the 33 year-old pool. We asked Burbach to prepare a design and estimate of the cost. We also asked him to include in the design additional zero-depth and reduce from a 50-meter to 25-meter facility. The current size of the pool is 9600 square feet and the proposed pool is 9700 square feet. The capacity should be comparable to what we have now. The majority of the pool is zero-depth. The slide will be moved farther west. The estimated cost for the proposed design is $1,993,879.00

Steve further explained that funding would be an issue. The Finance Department will have a recommendation for the City Council for the entire Capital Improvement Program next week. What they are looking at now will fund the proposed design.

Commissioner Glenn stated that the Board received a memo from Decker Ploehn and it looks like the funding is already a done deal. Do other departments have to come up with their own money? Does the Museum need to borrow money, also? For ten years we are going to pay back the money for the pool renovation. What if something comes up that must be done and we will not have the money?

Steve explained that we are not the only department that is having projects reprioritized.

Steve also stated that in Burbach's cover letter, to accommodate a 50 meter pool an additional $409,200.00 will be needed.

Steve recommended before proceeding to get further details to wait until the City Council approves the Capital Improvement Program and hold a Public Hearing for community input to review the design of the pool. The Public Hearing should take place within the next two to three weeks to allow Burbach to proceed with the bids and specifications.

Commissioner Kamp asked how a 50 meter pool would fit in the proposed design?

Commissioner Adamson stated that if the City Council approves the two million dollars for the pool, the money is not there for a 50 meter pool.

Chairman Hutter stated that we are building a new pool and do not know what we are doing with the pool we have. Is this the appropriate thing to do? We have a pool that did not last two years? We know that the pool will not be open June 1 and there will be a problem with staffing it on July 1. Would this pool allow for competitive needs? Our actions should evolve on how we are going to recover money we have lost. We may want to consider a larger pool.

Steve explained that Greg Jager is not prepared to comment on any legal action. If we wait for these answers, we cannot open next year.

Chairman Hutter stated that he did not feel we would be open next year, anyway.
We need to build the pool correctly and open the following June.

Steve explained that Burbach felt it was reasonable to project a July 1 opening. We could try and enhance getting staff by paying a performance bonus before and after the season. If we don't open next year, you take the risk of not developing new staff and potentially losing all of your staff. We may try and keep the zero-depth open next year and that is one way to keep the staff.

Rita stated that only three people are needed to staff the zero-depth pool and two at the counter. The employees go back to school by August 10 and we scramble to keep the pool staffed through August.

Rita also stated that the staff needs to be in a position to put the swim lesson planning together. We need to be looking at other options. She also stated that it would be very difficult to open the zero-depth pool with construction going on.

Steve stated that the heavy equipment should be minimal by the last month of construction.

Commissioner Kamp stated that he felt we owe it to the community to get something going by next summer. Right now there is not a whole lot being bid out. A lot of this work can be done over the winter.

Chairman Hutter stated that he agrees that we do owe it to the community to have a swimming pool. But we owe it to them to recoup something for the old pool. We are a growing community and we have a small pool. He wants a pool open by June 1 and if not this year, a pool by next June 1. He does not want to rush into anything.

Commissioner Glenn stated that 95% of people using the pool use the zero-depth or 30" of water and the other were on the slides. Very few people use the 50 meter pool.

Chairman Hutter asked why do we need the 11 foot section of the pool for the diving board. We may be able to save money here and expand the size of the pool.

Liz Solis explained that part of the learn-to-swim program is to be able to jump off the diving board. People do use the diving board and drop slide.

Rita explained that those classes could be held at the high school. We can cut down our staff, if there is no deep water offered.

Chairman Hutter requested this item be placed on Wednesday's agenda and discuss a date for a Public Hearing. The Board would like Burbach Aquatics and other staff members to be present at the Public Hearing to help answer questions discussed today.

Rita informed the Board that she would be planning the swim lessons at other facilities for next summer.

The Board discussed a joint Park Board and YMCA Committee to try to work on minimizing duplications. Rita's handout is annex #7 to these minutes.

Rita explained that the YMCA is targeting the same areas we are. This committee should have been formed before we built the lap pool at the Life Fitness Center. She is estimating a loss of 300 members or $60,000 to $75,000 when the YMCA opens in Bettendorf. She asked what would be the purpose of the committee and what does the Board want the staff to accomplish from it?

Steve stated that the committee would be formed for joint communication as to what types of activities are already offered and how to go about it. The Committee would represent our staff and Board and have ability to review how things are moving forward and to have input on issues that would be brought back to the YMCA and Park Board.

Chairman Hutter stated that he likes the concept of working with the YMCA and is interested in why they are approaching us now. He would like a commissioner, staff member, and the Director on the Committee if we can cooperate and do things with the YMCA and not hurt our programs.

Rita stated that she would like to have her entire staff on the committee.

The relationship that the YMCA has with Genesis Hospital Systems and their proposed facility was discussed. Commissioner Glenn suggested Steve or the Chairman of the Board contact Trinity Hospitals about developing a relationship regarding health programs. The initial contact was made by Rita and should be followed up on.

Chairman Hutter requested this item be brought back for discussion again at the Wednesday Board Meeting. He would like to know what the YMCA's vision and mission are and would the committee meetings be open.

Steve informed the Board that I & M Railroad closed the crossing at 12th Street without notice. There was no access for Leach Park. It is now open again. They were upgrading their tracks.

The Board requested the Director check with Greg Jager to see if anything can be done to require the railroad to notify us in advance of closing off access to a park.

Chairman Hutter recommended writing a letter to the railroad asking them if they have to close off access to a park, to notify us so we can inform our residents.

The Board requested this item be discussed again at the Wednesday Board Meeting.

The Board requested an appreciation plaque be presented to Lee Lohman for his contribution to the Duck Creek Recreation Trail. This will be placed on the agenda in November.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Adamson, to adjourn at 5:30 pm.

Hutter (Chairman)

Adamson (Vice Chairman)

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