Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for October 22, 2001




OCTOBER 22, 2001

The Bettendorf Park Board held a Special Meeting on Monday, October 22, 2001, at 7:00 pm in the Banquet Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.

Roll Call: Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Absent: None

The Board reviewed the Special Event request from the Quad City Chariots for use of Crow Creek Park's Cross Country Trail for their USATF State Cross Country Championship to be held on November 10, 2001, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to approve the Quad City Chariots request for use of the Cross Country Trail in Crow Creek Park on November 10, 2001.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

A copy of the request is annex #1 to these minutes.

Dave Burbach of Burbach Aquatics called and said he would be late for the Courtesy Public Hearing due to the bad weather conditions.

The notice for the Courtesy Public Hearing to receive community input on the proposed design for Splash Landing's Main Pool and filtration system was published in the newspaper on October 18, 2001. The affidavit of publication is annex #2 to these minutes.

Chairman Hutter opened the Courtesy Public Hearing.

Steve Grimes gave a brief update on what is being proposed for the replacement of the main pool and filter system at Splash Landing. Dave Burbach will be at the meeting to focus on the design and review cost estimates. The funding of this project has been arranged with the City Council to complete this project within the next year with a combination of gaming revenues, as well as a loan, and Park Capital Improvement Funds. Repayment of these funds will be made over the next ten-year period from the Park Capital Improvements funds. The exact dollars are subject to some modifications and are based on estimates. We will not know the exact cost until the project is bid out.

Chairman Hutter asked the people present if they had any questions.

Gail Benson, 2612 Harmony Drive, asked what the cost is for the consultant and if those costs are included in these cost estimates?

Steve stated that the proposed design is still conceptual and that the cost of the consultant is included in the estimate at $221,579.00.

Tony Castro, 810 Holmes Street, asked what facilities are most popular at the present pool.

Rita VanWetzinga explained that the zero depth is the area of the pool that is used the most. The design Burbach Aquatics has developed will address that issue. All of the amenities: slides, umbrellas, etc., will be disassembled, stored, and reused at the new facility.

Lisa Brown, 5331 Taylor Avenue, asked if the new design still allows for adult exercise and aerobic classes.

Rita explained that there is an area for the adult classes.

Rhett Bicknell, 7 Bountiful Court, stated that it looks like we are losing the 50-meter section and expressed his concerns regarding the competitive program. He hopes that the Board will consider providing starting blocks for the competitive program and have at least a five-foot depth at the entry point.

Chuck Berge, 4410 31st Street, also expressed his concerns with the elimination of the 50-meter section and the affect it will have on the swim teams.

Paula Tygret, 1634 Valley Vista Drive, asked if the design has to be changed and if the aluminum pool can be repaired.

Chairman Hutter stated that the consultant, Burbach Aquatics, would address her questions.

Tony Castro suggested replacing the inside of the aluminum pool and take the funds to build a second pool in Bettendorf. There were days that the pool was at capacity and you turned people away. Bettendorf could use a second outdoor pool.

Mitch Brown, 5331 Taylor Avenue, asked if in the future there could be a Lazy River at the pool.

Jeff Weindruch, 3305 Magnolia Court, asked in planning the next version of the pool, has there been discussion on enclosing it for year around usage.

Kim Scheerer, 1720 Elmwood Court, asked if we would be losing full use and revenues of the pool for one year.

Reggie Goldstein, 2245 St. Charles Court, stated that if the zero depth is 75% of the usage at the pool, what are we doing to draw the older kids to the facility? Is there something we are missing on the deep end?

Rita explained that the older kids are using the slides and diving board. The pool does draw a lot of Middle School age kids.

Dave Burbach arrived and will answer the questions from the people that addressed the Board. He explained the proposed improvements to Splash Landing and presented drawings. The new concrete main pool would have a zero depth entry, similar to what we have in the other zero depth pool. It is a cove type pool with a six-lane 25-meter area for competitive and lap swimming. The proposed pool has a diving hopper, starting blocks on the deep end with an 11' 3" depth. The opposite end is 3'6".

The Lazy River would not fit in this location. The proposed pool is slightly larger than the present pool.

Mr. Burbach stated that he studied the pool this summer and the repairs did not work. The pool has suffered structural damage with the settling. Spending money to try and get more usage out of this facility is not in the best interest for the taxpayers.

Mr. Burbach explained the four main issues for a swimming pool and how the new proposed main pool fulfills those needs. (1) Recreational Concept; 60% of the proposed pool will be zero depth and there will be water slides. (2) Educational Purposes; teaching stations and a diving area. (3) Wellness; aerobic and lap swimming areas (4) Competition; 25 meter area.

Tony Castro asked, other than the slides, how much of what we now have will be reused?

Mr. Burbach stated that we are completely replacing the main pool and filter system. Everything else will remain the same.

Gail Benson asked if the new pool would accommodate as many swim classes as the old pool.

Mr. Burbach stated that it would accommodate the same and will have more varying depths for the classes. This will make it nicer for the younger children's classes.

Rhett Bicknell asked why 25 meters and not 25 yards? He would rather see 25 yards.

Mr. Burbach showed another drawing to expand the deep water that would take care of Mr. Bicknell's concerns by having a 25-meter by 25-yard area. However, it does increase the projected cost by $285,900.00.

Tony Castro asked what the capacity of the proposed pool is.

Mr. Burbach stated that the present pool is 9,600 square feet and the proposed pool is 9,700 square foot. This means that the pool capacity will only increase slightly.

Rhett Bicknell, stated as a taxpayer, wouldn't it be cheaper to remove the aluminum shell and pour the concrete in the existing location?

Mr. Burbach stated that it would not be cheaper. There would still be excavating that would need to be done.

Jim Benson, 2612 Harmony Drive, requested information on the new filter system.

Mr. Burbach explained that DE would no longer be used. This system is a sand pressure system and is low maintenance. Fewer chemicals are needed and it would have a better distribution and flow system.

Mr. Burbach reviewed the timetable for this project. If we can prepare the final drawings by the first week of November, it will take their firm two months to prepare the design and specifications. If the plans are completed by the first or second week of January, we can bid the project out and award a contract by late February and start as soon as possible in the spring. The main pool would be completed by the end of summer or early fall. We will look at keeping the zero depth pool open.

Mr. Burbach stated that there is some design techniques for enclosing pools. There are problems with the seals and air getting in causing ice. This has not been successful in the Midwest.

Tony Castro stated that you are not gaining any more space with the new pool. Are you looking at limiting the number of pool passes to be sold.

Rita explained that she didn't get to really have a true test with the change in operating hours, but felt the problem was taken care of with opening the pool at 11:00 am.

Chris Flescher asked about the expanded 25-yard by 25-meter design.

Mr. Burbach stated that this would give the competitive swimmers training space for both a long course and short course.

Chris Flescher asked if a bulkhead could be installed in this proposed design.

Mr. Burbach stated that it could at an approximate cost of $48,000.00. This would separate the deep end from the zero depth area.

Chris Flescher stated that the swim meet brings in 500 families into our community. They will stay at motels and eat at restaurants in the community. With installation of a bulkhead, perhaps the pool could be open to the public during a swim meet for the zero depth areas in the pool.

Chairman Hutter thanked the people present for attending the meeting and informed them that there would be another public hearing at a later time.

A list of the people that attended the meeting is annex #3 to these minutes.

Drawing, cost estimates, and cover letter are annex #4 to these minutes.

No correspondence was received and Chairman Hutter closed the Courtesy Public Hearing.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Adamson, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Hutter (Chairman)

Adamson (Vice Chairman)

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