Board decides on 3-year, $6.5-million school improvement plan
Official Minutes of the December 4, 2000, Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
The Board of Directors of the Bettendorf Community School District, in the County of Scott, state of Iowa, met in open session according to Iowa law for their regular meeting at the Ray Stensvad Administration Center, 3311 Central Avenue, Bettendorf, Iowa, on December 4, 2000. President Roski called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary, verified that the meeting notice had been posted and mailed to the media as required by law.
Members present: Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle.
Members absent: None.
Other officials present: John Perdue, Superintendent; Carol Webb, Assistant Superintendent; Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs, Celeste Reuter, Director of Communications; John Campbell, Director of Operations; Ron Egger, BEA Representative; Pat VanNevel, Board Treasurer; Lynne Lindstrom, Board Secretary.
2. Agenda Approval.
Motion by Director Wahlstrand, seconded by Director Arney, to approve the agenda as presented.
Ayes: 7 Directors Anderson, Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience.
3.01 President's Statement. On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience to step to the microphone with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on the agenda this evening. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be most appreciated if you would limit your comments to three minutes so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. If you have thoughts to share about items that are included as topics for tonight's meeting, we would invite those comments when we reach that point in the meeting. Thank you for your support of our school district.
There were no comments from the audience.
4. Commendations & Special Invited Guests.
4.01 The Bettendorf Community School District wishes to thank Mr. Jim Jardine for his generous donation of a clarinet to the elementary music program.
4.02 Brent Hutton and Janel Vandermore, Bettendorf High School instructors, served as members of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools visitation teams evaluating the school improvement plans at Assumption High School, and Maquoketa High School, respectively.
4.03 Thank you to all our students and their faculty advisors who undertook the huge task of collecting food for the Student Hunger Drive to aid local food pantries. Nearly 38,000 pounds of food were collected and will be distributed to needy families in the Scott County area.
4.04 The Quad Cities Metro Optimist Club hosted its annual Youth Appreciation Dinner on November 9. Dr. John Perdue, superintendent, was the keynote speaker for this event. Erik Goff, BHS Student Council President, and Cathy Ahrens, faculty advisor, also attended and outlined Student CouncilÃŒs participation in community service projects, including the student hunger drive, two blood drives, and attendance at the Mayors Luncheon to promote student community service.
Congratulations to senior Erik Goff for his induction into the Eagle Scout Court of Honor in late summer. For his Eagle project, Erik organized a group of scouts to clear trees and brush and plant trees on the grounds of the Davenport Unitarian Church.
4.06 Congratulations to Katie McGaffigan, Julie Fick and Erin Riley, who were named to the Class 3A Southeast District Volleyball team, and to Diane Lichtenberg who was named Southeast District Coach of the Year.
Congratulations to Kenneth Kelly, fifth grade instructor at Grant Wood Elementary School, who was recently included in the 2000 edition of Who's Who Among America's Teachers.
All of the teachers listed were selected by one or more former students who themselves were listed in either Who's Who Among American High School Students or the National Dean's List.
The following students have been selected to the 2000 All Metro Football team: 1st team: ÃœBrian Cutright, Jake Miller, Andy Parker, Jon Zurinsky 2nd team: ÃœJohn Schabilion, Zach Gabelmann, Kirk Peterson Honorable Mention: ÃœMatt Drinkall, Dan Phillips, Nick Cavill, Jess Lowenberg, Taylor Hess, John Kleinschmidt, Mike Sunderbruch, Ryan Voelliger
Congratulations also to the following students who were selected to the All State Football Team: 1st team Brian Cutright and Jon Zurinsky, 2nd team Andy Parker.
4.09 The Iowa High School Swim Coaches Association has announced that Leigh Taylor has been awarded the Senior Scholastic Achievement Award. ÃœAudrey Clark has also been honored by being named to the Academic All State Team.
4.10 Andrew Marshall was honored as the Quad City Management Association Outstanding Business Student at an award ceremony on November 16 at the Outing Club. Andrew was among three finalists from the Quad City area to interview in the final competition and received a St. Ambrose scholarship and monetary award.
4.11 Seventeen fourth and fifth grade students at Neil Armstrong participated in a community service learning project during the October intersession, called ÏLeaf it Up to UsÓ. Students used their creative writing, speaking and computer skills to create a flyer which they distributed to neighbors, and to contact local businesses for lawn bag donations. The students spent five afternoons raking and bagging 123 bags of leaves for 18 Armstrong area residents, and collected over 100 canned goods for the high school food drive.
Congratulations to the Bettendorf High School Marching Band for receiving another Division I rating at a band competition in Muscatine in October under the direction of Mike Green and Eric Krell.
On behalf of the Board, Director Roski expressed appreciation to Mark Brooks, Athletic Director, and his staff for coordinating efforts related to the football teamÃŒs State games.
5. Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Wahlstrand, seconded by Director Anderson, to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Director Castro inquired as to the responsibilities of the SIS Coordinator, under item 5.04. Superintendent Perdue outlined these duties, including trouble-shooting, staff training, system updates, and SIS resource person for BHS staff.
Paul Bobek, Executive Director of Business Affairs, referred to item #5.02d, a new financial summary report outlining fund balances. Directors stated their interest in receiving this report on a regular basis and requested comparative fund balance data from the previous year also be added to this report.
Ayes: 7 Directors Arney, Castro, Luton, Roski, Wahlstrand, Weigle, Anderson.
Nays: 0 Motion carried 7-0.
Approval of Noember 20, 2000, Regular Board Meeting Minutes.
Approval of Monthly Financial Reports.
Approval of December 4, 2000, Bills Recommended for Payment.
Approval of Administrative Recommendations: Personnel.
Administrative Leave
Dave Kock/MT/Military Leave of Absence/Effective 1/3/01 through 9/30/01
Administrative Approval to Hire
Caroline Olson/MT/Interim Principal/$28,515/Replacing Dave Kock/Effective 1/3/01 through 6/30/01
Certified Leave
Susan Kalkan/BHS/Medical Leave of Absence/Effective 1/15/01 through 6/6/01
Caroline Olson/RSAC/Leave of Absence to accept Interim Principal position/Effective 1/3/01 through 6/30/01
Certified Lane Change
Jill Rackle/MT/Lane Change from BA,1 to BA+15, 1/Increase of $1,124/ Effective Immediately
Schedule D Approval to Hire
Chad Olberding/BHS/Head 9th Wrestling Coach/$2,789/Replacing Chris Lensing/Effective 11/22/00
Classified Approval to Employ
Mary Day/HH/Food Service-Satellite Worker/$6.34 per hour/2.5 hours per day/Replacing Margaret Ulloa/Effective 11/27/00
Tammy Knibbe/MT/Food Service-Satellite Worker/$6.34 per hour/2 hours per day/Replacing Susan David/Effective 12/4/00
Classified Letter of Assignment Modification
Laura Herreld/BHS/Food Service-Van Driver/$10.59/$11.32 after 90 days/8 hours per day/Replacing Craig Ahlgren/Effective 11/6/00
Teresa Greenawalt/BHS/From Sec I to Sec III (Guidance and SIS Coordinator)/$11.39 per hour/8 hours per day/Realignment of duties/Effective 8/7/00
Classified Resignation
Lori Shepard/HH/Individual Aide/Effective 11/28/00
Classified Termination
Robert Paul Meier/BHS/Custodian/Effective 10/25/00
5.05 Early Graduation Requests.
5.06 Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment.
Into Bettendorf, 2000/01
John Kelly, grade 10, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence
Ryan Kelly, grade 7, from Davenport, continuation due to change of residence
Jeffrey Moeller, grade 9, from North Scott, continuation due to change of residence
Out of Bettendorf, 2000/01
Max Gerega, grade 2, to Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change in residence
Alexandra Geregova, grade 6, to Pleasant Valley, continuation due to change in residence
Into Bettendorf, 2001/02
Taylor Vaughan, kindergarten (as of 2001/02), from Pleasant Valley
6. Discussion Items.
Shared Communications.
Director Luton complimented BHS staff on their cooperative work efforts, referencing Jeff Winter's class sharing laptop computers with Ms. Windsor's language arts class. He also noted staffÃŒs proactive and innovative approach to restructuring of a resource period to allow at-risk students the opportunity to participate in an advanced mathematic class.
Director Arney noted that Mike Meeker, the K-12 Apple Education Consultant for Eastern Iowa, will be attending the January 16, 2001, QCMug meeting. This will be the week after the MacWorld conference, so his information should be current and up-to-date.
Director Wahlstrand will not be in attendance at the December 18 meeting.
6.02 BHS Block Schedule Update.
Dr. Tom Castle and members of the BHS's School Improvement Team presented an update on various aspects of the block schedule. This included an historical overview and comparative analysis of core course enrollment, drop-out rates, early graduation history, attendance and discipline data, ACT and ITED test scores, and average class loads. Additionally, potential schedule enhancements and issues to be resolved were shared. Directors were supportive of continual improvements and flexibility to the block schedule. Another block schedule update will be scheduled for May 2001 from the School Improvement Team.
The Board recessed at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened at 8:31 p.m.
BHS New Course Proposals.
Dr. Tom Castle proposed adding two new courses for the 2001/02 school year. The two courses, Honors AP Calculus BC and Metals Technology, have been approved by the Academic Affairs Council. Dr. Perdue recommended consideration of these courses for approval at the December 18, 2000, Board meeting.
Facilities Advisory Council Report.
Superintendent Perdue and co-chairmen Greg Schaefer and Jeff Ehrmann presented the findings of the Facilities Advisory Council. This information outlined project parameters, spending plan criteria, and project assessment criteria. Paul Bobek reviewed estimated revenue, cash flow and fund balance of the local option sales and service tax fund. The council recommended approximately $6.5 million of physical improvements over the next three years.
recommended for completion during the summer of 2001 were as follows:
Grant Wood: repairs to foundation (floors and drainage), renovation of seven classrooms
BHS: third floor social studies and second floor modern language classroom renovations
Neil Armstrong: parking lot renovation
Engineering Design Work
These projects total $1,662,400 and would all be funded from the one-cent local option sales and service tax fund. By consensus, the Board chose not to actively pursue land purchase at this time. Directors unanimously supported the above-stated projects, totaling approximately $1,662,400.
In order to expedite future projects, potential fund restructuring concepts were discussed. Directors requested Mr. Bobek further investigate financial costs involved and present various options for discussion at a future Board meeting. President Roski and Superintendent Perdue commended the FAC for their efforts.
Budget Planning.
Paul Bobek updated Directors on the district's participation in the Instructional Support Levy program for the 2001/02 school year and for the previous ten years. The districtÃŒs current rate is 8 percent. Directors requested at the second meeting in February the Board would discuss and adopt a resolution to set the instructional support rate.
7. Action Items.
7.01 IASB Board of Directors.
Motion by Director Weigle, seconded by Director Wahlstrand, to cast the district's vote for Ms. Swati Dandekar of the Linn-Mar Community School District to the District #6 IASB Board for a one-year term, ending January 2002.
Ayes: 7 Directors Castro, Luton, Roski, Weigle, Anderson, Arney.
Nays: 0 None. Motion carried 7-0.
8. Superintendent's Report.
Future Board of Education Agenda Items. Directors were given an opportunity to recommend topics for future board agenda items. Superintendent Perdue shared a revised schedule of the strategic discussion topics. Directors discussed and concurred that topics suggested for future board agenda items should be compared to previously submitted topics and should be of interest to all Board members and not individual interests.
Paul Norton Year-Round Education Proposal. A summary of the survey distributed to Paul Norton parents regarding year-round education was reviewed. Based on parental input, this concept will not continue to be pursued.
Middle School Scoreboards. Superintendent Perdue discussed the need for purchase of four interior scoreboards and one portable scoreboard at BMS. Cost is estimated at $22,000. The following funding options were outlined: 1) approach the Riverboat Development Authorities or Scott County Regional Authorities for a grant, using Pepsi as a match; 2) fund the scoreboard through the instructional support levy; 3) approach Pepsi and renegotiation the current contract, which has three of the five years remaining on it; 4) let the current Pepsi contract expire and negotiate a new contract in two years; 5) approach the Bettendorf Park Board. Directors were not opposed to Superintendent Perdue approaching Pepsi and/or a combination of the scenarios outlined above. A progress report will be presented to the Board at a future meeting.
9. Future Events and Informational Items.
Friday, December 8, Foundation Executive Meeting, 12:00 noon
Monday, December 18, Board of Education, 7:00 p.m., RSAC
10. Adjournment.