Bettendorf Park Board Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2001

SEPTEMBER 10, 2001

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on September 10, 2001, at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center in the Canteen Room at 4:00 pm.

Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, and Makoben
Absent: Kamp

Stu Smith reviewed the monthly parks maintenance report, which is annex #1 to these minutes.

Stu reviewed the status of the skate park construction and the new playground in Crow Creek Park.

Things were going well. The stone is down, and the extra dirt will be backfilled around the skate park. He stated that there would not be a lip, that there would be a flat edge right up to the skate park. He also stated that skate park equipment companies had problems with bicycles damaging their ramps, so the Parks & Recreation Departments are installing switch-back gates to prevent bicycle use.

Chairperson Joe Hutter suggested we adopt by resolution a list of the rules and regulations that would be posted at the skate park. He asked Steve Grimes for that information for Wednesdayís meeting.

Stu mentioned that the equipment companies post their own regulations on their equipment as well.

Makoben asked if a ìdonated byî sign would be posted.

Steve said that yes, the Scott County Regional Authority and the Riverboat Development Authority would be listed on a separate plaque as having donated funds for the park, as well as stating on the plaque that the skate park was dedicated on such a date of 2001.

Stu reviewed the Cross Country Trail in Crow Creek Park. They had problems getting the grass to grow, but things are going smoothly now. We have put down some sod, some seed, and some aggregate. It will be ready for the Cross Country Meet in October.

Chairman Hutter stated that the Cross Country Trail Dedication should be set for October 11th at 3:00 pm, right before the first Cross Country Meet takes place in the park at 3:30 pm.

Rita VanWetzinga was not present to review the recreation monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.

Chairperson Hutter asked if anyone had any questions regarding the recreation monthly report.

Commissioner Glenn stated that the Life Fitness Center looked really nice after the cleaning week. He mentioned that they may receive some complaints in the summer since they canít lift weights in the air conditioned Cardio Room.

Chairperson Hutter asked if anyone had any comments on the recent opening of Goldís Gym.

Commissioner Glenn stated that he did not feel the new gym would affect our clientele. He mentioned also that they did not have a pool or a track.

Steve Grimes reviewed the monthly Directorís operational report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.

Brad Peterson was not present to review the monthly golf maintenance report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

Chairperson Hutter asked if anyone had any comments regarding the golf maintenance report.

Steve commented that the Jamie Hill Golf Tournament was a great success not only with the weather but also with the raffle, which raised over $1,000 and the birdies for charity, which raised $1,000.

Jon Waddell was not present to review the golf administration monthly report, which is annex #5 to these minutes.

Chairperson Hutter asked if anyone had any comments regarding the golf administration report.

Commissioner Adamson asked if we were waiting on bids for the golf maintenance shed.

Steve replied that the maintenance center specifications were still being prepared and that the site plan still had to be approved by the planning and zoning commission, and then we will go out to bid. We are running into a few wrinkles including the addition of a fire hydrant and the requirement of widening the service road that goes around the maintenance facility. For emergency use, the road must be 20í wide, and it is currently only 15í wide in some areas. He did not know anymore details at that time.

The Board reviewed the bids submitted for the Band Shell Parking Lot Improvement Project. The bids were received at 2:00 pm today for six alternate plans, which included asphalt paving on the entire parking lot, the north half of the parking lot, or the entire parking lot plus the south driveway. They also included concrete paving on those same three areas.

Tri City Blacktop, Inc. was the low bidder on all three of the asphalt paving alternates. Blackhawk Paving Company was the low bidder on all three of the concrete paving alternates.

Steve explained that we only had $46,000 in the budget for this project. This amount would only pay for half of the parking lot. He stated that if the Board wished to proceed, they could move some funds around within the budget to cover the expenses, but at this time there is concern with having enough money in the CIP budget to address the pool.

Steve also mentioned that this project was not an urgent one. He said the parking lot was not in serious need of repair, and that we would still have plenty of time to complete the project before the Centennial 2003 if we postponed. He recommended to the Board to continue this project in the spring when we have a better idea of where we stand as far as budget and pool and reject the current bids for now.

Stu mentioned the possibility of grant funding for the project.

Steve stated that we could ask for asphalt funding from both the riverboat development grants. The next riverboat grant cycle is coming up soon and we wonít have any pool information ready in time, but we do have this project information ready to submit. He also stated that we were not planning on asking for any other grants yet.

The Board agreed that asking for grant money for this project was a good idea.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Adamson, to reject the current bids for the Band Shell Parking Lot Improvement Project received today.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None

Chairperson Hutter mentioned that we should apply for a joint grant with both the riverboats. Due to the fact that the area is used by the Bettendorf Park Band and Bettendorf Senior Citizens, and since the recent renovations to the playground equipment, and with the Centennial 2003 just around the corner, traffic volume is much higher.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, to apply for a joint grant between the Scott County Riverboat Development Authority and the Riverboat Development Authority for the Band Shell Parking Lot Improvement Project.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Adamson, Glenn, Hutter, and Makoben
Nays: None

Chairperson Hutter discussed the travel plans of the Board members to the National Parks and Recreation Association Congress on October 2nd, 2001.

Chairperson Hutter asked Steve if the Iowa Parks & Recreation Association had chosen a new director.

Steve reminded the Board that Pat Fleming resigned as Director of IPRA in May of this year. The committee held two interview sessions of probable candidates. They are recommending hiring someone on Wednesday. The new Director will no longer be the Director of IPRA and ASA, only IPRA. The hiring is not finalized as of yet.

The Board received a note from Bob Glenn thanking the Park Board for the plant and kind regards of sympathy on the recent death of Bobís mother.

On motion by Adamson, seconded by Glenn, the meeting was adjourned at 4:37 pm.

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