Agenda for school board meeting on 9/17
Pleasant Valley, Iowa
Monday, September 17, 2001, 7:00 P.M., C.D.S.T.
I. Call to order and roll call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Communications, Concerns, and Constructive Ideas for the District
A. From Students, Parents, Teachers, and Visitors
B. From Board Members
C. To the Secretary
IV. Consent Agenda
A. Minutes of September 4, 2001, Regular Board Meeting
B. Personnel
C. Open Enrollment
V. Adjournment of the Old Board Of Education
A. Qualification of Elected Directors
Administration of Oath of Office
B. Call to order and roll call
C. Election of President
Election and administration of Oath of Office
D. Election of Vice-President
Election and administration of Oath of Office
VI. Approval of Bills
A. Moved by second by that
General Fund warrants #64401 through #64505 be issued in the
total amount of $102,712.11 in payment of invoices presented.
B. Moved by second by that
Nutrition Fund warrants #8348 through #8351 be issued in the
total amount of $32,590.27 in payment of invoices presented.
C. Moved by second by that
Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants #6410 through
#6428 be issued in the total amount of $9,469.42 in payment of
invoices presented.
D. Moved by second by that
High School Activity Fund warrants #15989 through #16080 be
issued in the total amount of $29,373.30 in payment of invoices
E. Moved by second by that
Schoolhouse Fund warrants #7623 through #7646 be issued in the
total amount of $530,431.61 in payment of invoices presented.
VII. Committee Reports
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. Purchasing Natural Gas on the Unregulated Market
Ryan Klosterman, Mid American Energy
B. Five Year History of Experience and Degree Levels for Teachers
Jim Spelhaug and Dale Barber
C. Review Open Enrollment Survey
Jim Spelhaug and Dale Barber
D. Hopewell Avenue Lease - 2002 Growing Season
Mike Clingingsmith
E. Monthly Financial Reports
Mike Clingingsmith
X. Future Dates
A. October 1, 2001, 7:00 p.m. Next Board Meeting, Belmont Office.
XI. Adjournment