Family Museum minutes 1/8/2001

Meeting Minutes for the Family Museum of Arts & Science Board of Trustees
Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2001

Location: Celebration Room 7:30 a.m.

Present: _x__Aronson; _x_ Brandt; _x_ Crabb; ___Getz; _x__Hult; __x_ Jones; _x_Laas; _x_ Osterman: __x__Pries; _x_ Romkey; ___ Schroeder.
Staff Present: Kuehl, Senn, Reiter, Gsell. Junior Board:

Brandt called the meeting to order at 7:35a.m.

There were no questions regarding December Operational statistics and board minutes.

Kuehl discussed the Visioning Scheduled of Events and clarified questions for the board. Reiter will seek a grant to help pay for the process and possible videotaping of the January 12 meeting.

Brandt discussed the annual appeal business/board spreadsheet that Reiter and Gsell have been working on. A copy was passed out for discussion and input for readability. The individual donors spreadsheet is still being completed and will be presented at the next Marketing/Operations team meeting.

Kuehl presented the Augustana Marketing Study results for board input. After discussion of the results and ideas on increasing our visibility, Kuehl will ask Dr. Erickson of Augustana to give us the statistics for families with children under 18 that responded to the survey.

Kuehl will bring the results to the Marketing/Operations team and the following board meeting. It has also been decided to turn the Touch Screen computer into a Survey Screen computer for visitor input, with the city IS department doing the set-up.

Senn reported that Winter Registration has 120 more enrollments than last winter. There are 543 slots filled and 251 dance students. Revenue is at $17,000 with $2900 more to come in with dance enrollment. There were a couple of preschool classes closed due to weather.

Kuehl reported on TEAM II exhibit development process and the upcoming workshop for developing exhibitry and educational materials the staff will attend in Vermont. Kuehl reported on the upcoming exhibits: Color Me Smart, Hubble, Homestead-Renovation and Heartland redesign.

Two key dates in conjunction with the opening of the Hubble exhibit.

Alcoa will host an opening reception on Thursday, February 22. The member opening reception is scheduled for Friday, February 23.

Additional activities on opening weekend include the Invent Iowa! Competition on Saturday, February 24. Members of the board were invited to include these date on their calendars.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, February 13, at 7:30 a.m.

There being no further business for the board Aronson moved that the meeting was adjourned. Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35a.m.

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