JULY 9, 2001
The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on July 9, 2001, in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center at 4:00 pm.
Present: Hutter, Glenn, Kamp, Makoben
Absent: Adamson
Decker Ploehn was present to update the Board on Splash Landing. A copy of the press release is annex #1 to these minutes.
Decker informed the Board that he met with the staff and all contractors listed on the press release. The paint manufacturer, Tnemec Painting, was not present and a lot of the questions related to them. The course recommended is to drain the pool, pressure wash and scrub the inner surface, and refill the pool. Tnemec agreed, based on conversations with consultants. We hope to have something in writing from them yet today and will start draining the pool tomorrow. Our staff would be doing the work to drain and wash the pool.
Decker recommended to the Board to consider refunds to all season pass holders immediately and if we are open within 10-14 days, reduce the general admissions to $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for children. The zero depth pool will remain open during this time on the same recommended discounted fee and eliminate the season passes.
Decker explained that the checks would be issued through the Finance Department by the 20th of July.
Decker stated that the filters will be looked at and the lines will be tested where there may be leaks. In the Fall, we will address the other issues. If this does not work, the pool will be repainted or perhaps a pool liner will be installed.
Commissioner Makoben asked when the season passes should be voided and go to the daily admissions?
Decker recommended July 23 and that the season passes can be used in the zero depth area until then.
Chairman Hutter asked about a response from the paint manufacturer.
Decker explained that there was a memo through Water Technology that Tnemec Painting agreed with the solution, but are noncommittal on their paint. We do not want to proceed until we hear from them.
Greg Jager stated if they chose not to respond, we will have to proceed and he will have to handle the legal issues.
Chairman Hutter stated that the problems experienced last year no longer exist and we now have other problems.
Decker stated that there are some concerns about the filter. Water Technology has said that it is operating the way it is suppose to. The paint is the problem everyone is agreeing with. We will be able to get back into the filter system, with the pool down.
Chairman Hutter stated that he would like the staff to take their time to get the problems resolved. The worse thing that can happen, is to drain, power spray, and refill the pool and two weeks later, we have a problem again. We should not have a time limit and do everything the experts say. Perhaps we may not be able to open again.
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, to prepare a Resolution authorizing a full refund to all season pass holders and if we reopen the pool, reduce the general admissions to $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for children.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Glenn, Kamp, Makoben
Nays: None
Greg Jager will prepare the resolution for Wednesday's Board Meeting. His memo to the Board dated July 9, 2001, is annex #2 to these minutes.
Decker stated that he expects others to step up to the plate in the responsibility of getting this pool corrected.
Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.
Stu reported that the Meier Park shelter has been installed and the recreation trails at the quarry in Crow Creek Park have been backfilled. Also, a lot of time was spent cleaning up after the storm.
Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes. The 9th tee was opened on July 4th and there has been a lot of positive feed back. He felt there are some balls still getting out to Middle Road, but the project did help.
Brad also reported that six trees were lost from the storm. They have all been cleaned up, except for trees on the other side of the creek. It will cost between $5,000-$10,000 to remove the trees and the money is not budgeted. The property has been surveyed and it is on the property line that belongs to a neighborhood association that no longer exists.
Chairman Hutter recommended Brad get an answer as to who is responsible for the tree clean-up on the other side of the creek and get an opinion from the legal department.
Jon Waddell's monthly golf administration report is annex #5 to these minutes.
Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly report, which is annex #6 to these minutes.
Rita reviewed the tentative incentive program for Splash Landing, in an effort to keep the aquatic facility open longer. If it is not used this year, we can try and budget for it next year. She explained that she is experiencing problems in getting water safety instructors to teach swimming lessons and may have to look at an incentive program for instructors. The swim lessons have been moved to the Bettendorf High School and the toddlers will remain at Splash Landing. The swimming field trips for playgrounds and day camp will be moved to Fejervary Pool.
Rita reported that she and Stu Smith have been working with Lauran Haldeman to do a film of Crow Creek Park to include all activities for Channel 9.
Rita informed the Board that she received a request from Denny Johnson, Athletic Director at North Scott, to host the MAC Conference Cross Country Meet at Crow Creek Park in October. This would be an excellent event to host in the inaugural year of the trail.
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, to approve hosting the MAC Conference Cross Country Meet in October.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Glenn, Kamp, Makoben
Nays: None
Chairman Hutter recommended having the dedication of the trail on the same day.
Steve Grimes informed the Board that he will have a few items to add to the Wednesday Agenda and it will be faxed to them on Tuesday. His monthly report is annex #7 to these minutes.
The Board discussed scheduling a meeting to prioritize land acquisition for the updated Park and Recreation Master Plan.
The Board scheduled the meeting on July 19, 2001, at 4:00 pm. The staff was requested to review the draft and submit their comments for the meeting. Chairman Hutter will not be present.
Steve informed the Board that a letter was sent to the Scott County Regional Authority today. The letter addresses concerns for safety and that the Board will encourage the city to put in a pedestrian crosswalk at Devils Glen and Crow Creek Roads. A copy of the letter and information sent to the Scott County Regional Authority is annex #8 to these minutes.
Steve recommended getting proposals for the concrete work for the Skate Park and place them on the August Agenda for Board approval. When the Scott County Regional Authority approves the funding, order the equipment. This will need to be done by Resolution. The City will assist with the survey and staking of the site.
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, to proceed with getting proposals for the concrete for the Skate Park.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Glenn, Kamp, Makoben
Nays: None
Steve informed the Board that he has been approached by two individuals that are interested in offering concessions at Crow Creek Park.
The Board requested that this be advertised publicly again next season.
Steve will revise the RFP for next year and make sure the two potential vendors are notified.
Steve informed the Board that the department has had two brochures each year. We feel that the Fall/Winter brochure does not have the impact that the Spring/Summer brochure has and would like to recommend flyer inserts to be distributed in the Quad City Times. When the Fall/Winter brochure comes out in August, we have already had registration for Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball and Basketball Leagues.
Rita reported that she tried a flyer this year in the newspaper and also sent it to all the schools of current programming being offered and felt it was more timely and there was a better response.
Steve stated that a report would be presented with the budgeted dollars for the brochures at the Wednesday meeting.
The Board discussed whether or not to have a Fall Board/Staff workshop this year. Greg Jager conducted the workshop last year.
The Board decided, since there were no new members on the Board this year, to not have the workshop. However, they requested a report on what was accomplished from the discussions of last year's workshop.
Steve requested the Board notify him of who is interested in attending the National Park and Recreation Congress this year. Commissioner Glenn stated he was not able to attend. Chairman Hutter and Commissioner Makoben stated that they would attend. Commissioner Kamp did not know at this time. Commissioner Adamson is absent.
On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, to adjourn, at 5:10 pm.
Hutter (Chairman)
Makoben(Vice Chairman-Protem)