JUNE 11, 2001
The Bettendorf Park Board held a Special Meeting on June 11, 2001, at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center in the Canteen Room at 4:00 pm.
Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, and Makoben
Absent: Kamp
On motion by Makoben, seconded by Glenn, to add Decker Ploehn, City Administrator, and Greg Jager, City Attorney, to the agenda.
Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, and Makoben
Nays: None
Decker Ploehn updated the Board on the condition of Splash Landing. He informed the Board that he spent time monitoring the clarity issues at the pool this past weekend. Chuck Neuman, President of Water Technology, was in Bettendorf on Friday. Water samples have been taken and they feel it is a paint issue. The deep end of the pool was closed at 4:00 pm on Friday and again both days this weekend by 4:00 pm. The pool was closed today by 1:00 pm. The staff met with the Health Department and talked with Chuck Neuman again today. We are doing everything Water Technology is advising us to do. We will be closing the deep end until the Health Department is satisfied with the clarity of the water. We are in good shape with the rest of the pool.
Greg Jager stated there are two issues: (1) We are not blindly accepting what the original consultant is telling us. We are taking water samples and taking the actual material off the surface. The analysis will tell us what is going on. If it is paint, we are doing what the consultant is telling us to do. If the paint is oxidized and that is the issue, the staff is brushing the sides of the pool. This process seems to make it worse because we are stirring this up and putting it in the water. We are investigating as we are doing what the consultant is telling us what to do. (2) This is not a health issue; it is a clarity issue. What we are doing is for public safety, not public health. It is not hazardous to the swimmers.
Chairman Hutter stated that he hoped the people would endure the problems we are experiencing with the deep end.
Greg Jager stated that delaying the replacement of the filters was a good choice by the Board. If it is the paint, we will not need to replace the filter system. If it is not the paint, the Board needed to know the variables of what we are dealing with.
Chairman Hutter complimented Decker Ploehn and Greg Jager for assisting the staff with the pool problems.
Rita VanWetzinga informed the Board that Ron Foster was present to answer questions regarding the Fast Pitch Softball Tournament that was held at Crow Creek Park.
Rita requested Board direction for the future of the tournament. She felt it was worthwhile and recommended a partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department in hosting the tournament by seeking sponsors to offset the expenses and recovering the expenses incurred by the parks department to maintain the fields.
Ron Foster informed the Board that the teams throughout the country are now saying that Bettendorf does not cancel because of rain. The teams that participated were impressed by the wonderful job the park staff did to maintain the ballfields. This will draw more nationally ranked teams to Bettendorf. The teams are handpicked to participate in the tournament; we do not advertise for teams.
Chairman Hutter asked if we received any positive input from the businesses that they appreciated the tournament.
Ron Foster stated that Finney's, Governor's, Jumer's, and Heartland experienced a lot of business because of the tournament. He feels they will have no trouble getting sponsors for the tournament in the future.
Chairman Hutter would like Greg Jager's opinion of closing down an entrance to Crow Creek Park to charge admission for the Fast Pitch Tournament on Memorial Weekend. It was the consensus of the Board Members to allow the partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department to be involved with the Fast Pitch Tournament.
Greg Jager returned to the Board Meeting and informed the Board that the water sample testing confirmed that it is the paint in the water that is causing the clarity problems. Missman, Stanley and Associates will be taking two more water samples before and after the water goes through the filter system. The staff will need to keep sweeping the pool surface at night. We will need to look at fixing the problem now to get rid of the cloudiness and then the long-term fix.
Rita informed the Board that we sold a lot of swim passes this year. We will need to go through this season and come back with a recommendation for next year.
Rita informed the Board that they may have adequate staff to open Splash Landing through Saturday, August 25. However, this will involve having the full-time staff from the Life Fitness Center working at the pool. School does begin August 22 and kick-off is Saturday August 24. All other pools in the community, except Scott County, close that same week because they all have the same problem with not having enough staff.
Steve Grimes informed the Board that the last week of August, the Life Fitness Center is closed for cleaning and repairs. All the full-time staff will be needed back at the Life Fitness Center.
Steve asked if the pool staff would come back for Labor Day weekend for a $50 bonus.
Liz Solis stated that the staff does not know their schedule, until they go back to school.
The Board tabled their decision in determining the closing date for Splash Landing until Steve talks to Decker Ploehn to see if other city staff members can work at the pool, such as, firemen to keep the pool open longer. They requested this be brought back to the Wednesday meeting with a staff recommendation.
Rita informed the Board that the attendance numbers at the Life Fitness Center on Saturday totaled 20. If it rains, members want to come to the Life Fitness Center. If it is a nice day, no one comes. Everything is predicated on the weather.
Rita does not recommend reviewing the hours for the facility until after the survey is completed to get a better idea what the members want. We cannot continue to expand the hours without increasing the membership fees.
Rita's monthly report is annex #1 to these minutes.
The Board scheduled a meeting on July 2, 2001, at 4:00 pm to review the Park and Recreation revised Master Plan.
Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes.
Stu informed the Board that all the boat docks are in at Leach Park. The damaged areas of the park have been hydro-seeded, mulched, and new plants installed. The benches and picnic tables have been disinfected.
Stu explained that the park staff will be installing the docks at Eagle's Landing this week, weather permitting. He does not know the full damage to the landscaping and will probably replace less than what we have now.
Steve Grimes explained that FEMA is reimbursing the preparation and clean up for the flood. They are not covering actual repairs and landscaping. The City Council approved using gaming revenues to reimburse for landscaping.
Stu informed the Board that in the Capital Improvement Budget in fiscal year 2001/2002, there is $50,000 to install additional parking and road improvements to the Band Shell Road. We need to start getting the design and specifications together. The City Engineering Department will assist with the project. The funding is not enough to complete the project, but the design will be completed for the entire project. A public hearing can be held in July for the project.
Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly report, which is annex #3 to these minutes.
Brad informed the Board that the 9th hole project is completed and will open in about two weeks. The wildflowers have been planted on the slope that faces Middle Road.
Brad also informed the Board that they have been experiencing an ongoing problem with someone hitting large amounts of range balls off the 13th tee box at night after the driving range closes. Hopefully, we will find out who is doing the damage.
Greg Adamson stated that the police department would be spending more time at the golf course in the evening.
Brad reviewed the Master Plan priority schedule developed by himself, Jon Waddell, and Steve Grimes. The recommendation is all part of the improvements in the Master Plan. The funding is not available to do all the improvements the Board wanted on #15. The project was cut down to address the issues. In the future, the other issues will be addressed.
Steve informed the Board that #11, #15, and tee improvements would be accomplished. We will not need to bid the majority of the work.
Jon Waddell reviewed the golf administration monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.
The Board did not approve the request from Pleasant Valley High School to continue using the Driving Range at no charge through the summer. It would be difficult to coordinate range time between schools, lessons and public use.
Jon informed the Board that he spoke to the President of the Iowa Section of the PGA about clubhouse architecture. He referred Jon to the Meadows Golf Course in Dubuque. They have a new clubhouse, which should meet the needs of any operation. He also mentioned the possibility of a Golf Hall of Fame.
Chairman Hutter stated that the State of Iowa might have funding for a Golf Hall of Fame.
Jon stated that he would check to see if there is a possibility of funding through the State for a Golf Hall of Fame.
Steve Grimes' administrative report for May is annex #5 to these minutes.
He informed the Board that he received a call from Decker Ploehn, regarding the Pop's Symphony submitting a proposal for use of Middle Park for their concert in September, due to LeClaire Park's condition from the flood.
The Board is willing to review Pops Symphony proposal, but they do have concerns.
Vice Chairman Adamson would like to discuss the final payment to Hillebrand Construction for Splash Landing. This will be discussed at the Wednesday meeting.
On motion by Adamson, seconded by Makoben, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.
Hutter (Chairman)
Adamson (Vice Chairman)