PV School Board Agenda 5/21/2001

Agenda for the May 21 meeting of the PV School Board. Two items of note are:

A. Public Hearing - Resurfacing Tennis Courts and Running Track

B. Acceptance of Final Plans & Request for Bids for Tennis Court & Running Track Resurfacing - Brian Strusz and Ray LaFrentz


Pleasant Valley, Iowa

Monday, May 21, 2001, 7:00 P.M., C.D.S.T.

I. Call to order and roll call

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Communications, Concerns, and Constructive Ideas for the District

A. From Students, Parents, Teachers, and Visitors

B. From Board Members

C. To the Secretary

IV. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes of May 7, 2001, Regular Board Meeting

B. Personnel

C. Open Enrollment

D. Augustana College Student Teaching Agreement

V. Approval of Bills

A. Moved by second by that General Fund warrants #63289 through #63413 be issued in the total amount of $89,333.09 in payment of invoices presented.

B. Moved by second by that Nutrition Fund warrants #8110 through #8116 be issued in the total amount of $33,326.00 in payment of invoices presented.

C. Moved by second by that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants #6284 through #6301 be issued in the total amount of $2,026.88 in payment of invoices presented.

D. Moved by second by that High School Activity Fund warrants #15428 through #15490 be issued in the total amount of $13,748.15 in payment of invoices presented.

E. Moved by second by that Schoolhouse Fund warrants #7544 through #7555 be issued in the total amount of $28,231.44 in payment of invoices presented.

VI. Committee Reports

A. Standardized Testing Schedule

Jim Spelhaug

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

A. Public Hearing - Resurfacing Tennis Courts and Running Track

B. Acceptance of Final Plans & Request for Bids for Tennis Court & Running Track Resurfacing - Brian Strusz and Ray LaFrentz

C. Student Parent Handbook Revisions

Deb Menke, Larry Brown, and Jim Wichman

D. 2001-02 School Lunch Price Recommendations

Mike Clingingsmith & Joanne Noble

E. 2001-02 Phase III Budget Approval

Mike Clingingsmith

F. Monthly Financial Reports

Mike Clingingsmith

G. Exempt Session, Code of Iowa, Section 20.17(3)


H. Approval of Classified Wage and Salary Package for 2001-2002

Dr. Barber & Mike Clingingsmith

IX. Future Dates

A. Commencement Ceremony - June 3, 2001, 3:00 p.m.

B. June 4, 2001, 7:00 p.m. Next Board Meeting, Belmont Office.

X. Adjournment

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