Bettendorf Parks and Recreation Agenda May 14th, 2001

Agenda for Parks and Recreation meetings.

Friday, May 11, 2001

Board of Park Commissioners

Parks and Recreation Agenda

MEETINGS: Special - Monday, May 14, 2001
HDG Community Center, Canteen Room, 4:00 PM

Regular - Wednesday, May 16, 2001
HDG Community Center, Canteen Room, 7:00 PM

PLACE: HDG Community Center, Canteen Room at
2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf, Iowa

Exhibit #1: Minutes

Special, April 9, 2001

Regular, April 11, 2001

Exhibit #2: Staff Operational Updates

Brad Peterson

Rita Van Wetzinga

Stu Smith

Exhibit #3: Director's Operational Updates

Budget and Financial Reports for April 2001

Exhibits #4 and #5: Unfinished and New Business

A. Address the Board
1. Monday

a. Frank Klipsch, representing the YMCA, will be present to address the Board on their development plans including a new facility in Bettendorf.

2. Wednesday

a. Terry Jay from the Bettendorf City Tree Commission will be present to review the committee's efforts from this past year, goals for the upcoming year, and to present the Board with the Five Year Tree City USA Award.

B. Updates Regarding Unfinished Business

1. Monday

a. Review agreement with the Bettendorf/PV Youth Baseball on new scoreboards in Crow Creek Park.

b. Discussion of next phase of alignment study for Crow Creek Recreation Trail and available funding in the CIP.

c. Discussion of extension of Bi-State Commission contract for the master plan and future meeting dates to review the draft plan.

C. New Business

1. Wednesday

a. Review B4 Bettendorf Blades & Boards Fest event scheduled for Saturday, May 19th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Middle Park.

b. Discussion of request from Pastor Russell Harrington of the Greater Faith Baptist Church to use golf carts for their June 9th, 2001 Community March.

c. Discussion of the development of an elevated River Drive Recreation Trail to serve as a flood protection device.

Exhibit #6: Consent Agenda

Exhibit #7: Legal Updates and Executive Session

Exhibit #8: Gifts

Exhibit #9: Commissioners' Updates


May 16, 2001

All items listed below are considered by the Board of Park Commissioners and shall be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item shall be removed and discussed separately.

A. Letter dated April 9, 2001, from Tammy Searles, 2514 Magnolia Drive, requesting to place a memorial in the name of her father along the recreation trail or at the lagoon.
(Approve, Receive, and File)

B. Special Event Request from Marina Gouas-Reese, 5086 School House Road, requesting keg beer at the Band Shell shelter on June 15, 2001, for her husband's 50th birthday party. (Approve, Receive, and File)

C. Letter dated April 27, 2001, from Virginia Connelly, 2140 Glenn Court, requesting to reserve Edgewood Park's shelter on August 19, 2001, for a family reunion. (Approve, Receive, and File)

D. Resolution #21-01, approving payment #1 to Johnson Construction for work completed on hole #9 renovation project at Palmer Hills Golf Course. (Approve, Receive, and File)

E. Letter from Daniel Drexler from Bettendorf High School requesting permission to hold a Cardboard Regatta at the Middle Park Lagoon on Thursday, May 24th. (Approve, Receive, and File)

F. Change order #4 from Frye Construction dated May 7, 2001 for additional work on the LFC Lap Pool project in the amount of $712.00 (Approve, Receive, and File)

G. Thank you letter from the Meier Park neighborhood residents dated May 5, 2001. (Receive and File)

H. Special Event Request from James West on behalf of United Way to use the shelter at Middle Park on Middle Road to host a picnic for volunteers on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, from 2-8 p.m. (Approve, Receive, and File)

I. Resolution #22-01, approving payment to Lawn's Unlimited Nursery for landscaping of the 9th hole at Palmer Hills Golf Course. (Approve, Receive, and File)

J. Letter and contract from Doug Delille from the Bi-State Commission dated May 10, 2001, requesting an extension of the master alarm contract to August 31, 2001. (Approve, Receive and File)

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