Board seeks to fomulate vision for future

Expected visioning outcomes/benefits


ï Clear definition of Museum's purpose, vision and values.

ï Individual action plans for making the vision come alive.

ï Interactive, lively and fun discussions with and among stakeholders.


ï Provide clarity to board, staff and all stakeholders about the vision and ultimate direction of the museum.

ï Energize and align board, staff and others and create a productive, inspired workplace and the highest caliber of services.

ï Assist in developing a profile for future board members and staff by establishing the vision for the organization and clarity of roles for participants.

Meeting Minutes for the Family Museum of Arts & Science Board of Trustees
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
Celebration Room 7:30 a.m.

Present: _x__Aronson; _x_ Brandt; __ Crabb; _x__Getz; ___Hult; __x_ Jones; _x_Laas; __ Osterman: ____Pries; _x_ Romkey; ___ Schroeder.
Staff Present: Kuehl, Senn, Reiter, Gsell. Junior Board:

Brandt called the meeting to order at 7:35a.m.

There were no questions regarding November Operational statistics and the October and November minutes.

A recommendation by the Program Implementation Team to remove the 10% discount on classes was discussed by the board.

Use of the money retained by not giving discounts will supplement additional staffing for the classes with the most demand. In lieu of the discount, members will be allowed a one-week advance registration ahead of the general public and walk-in registrations. Removal of the discount would begin with those registering for the spring/summer classes.

Comprehensive classes will retain the discount until fall, 2001. Board action was requested. Getz moved that the board approve the recommendation of the PIT committee to remove the 10% class discount as of the spring/summer 2001 catalog. Aronson seconded the motion, motion carried.

Kuehl presented the Visioning Schedule of Events (e-mailed earlier).

The meetings have been scheduled over a three month period in the afternoon sometime between 1-5 p.m., to enable more staff and board members to attend.

Due to these meetings there will be no board meeting for the months of February and March.

Once the staff and board work is done there will be a final adoption of the Visioning Statement in April.

Aronson moved that the Visioning Schedule of Events be approved as presented. Jones seconded the motion, motion carried.

Reiter and Brandt introduced discussion on the Annual Campaign's donor cultivation. After discussion it was decided to let the Marketing/Operations committee answer the questions regarding the future policies for the Annual Campaign.

Reiter provided tow key dates in conjunction with the opening of the Hubble exhibit. Alcoa will host an opening reception on Thursday, February 22.

The member opening reception is scheduled for Friday, February 23. Additional activities on opening weekend include the Invent Iowa! Competition on Saturday, February 24. Members of the board were invited to include these date on their calendars.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, January 9, at 7:30 a.m.

There being no further business for the board Aronson moved that the meeting was adjourned. Laas seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45a.m.

Visioning Schedule

Tentative Schedule for Visioning Exercise

Expected Outcomes

ï Clear definition of Museum's purpose, vision and values.

ï Individual action plans for making the vision come alive.

ï Interactive, lively and fun discussions with and among stakeholders.

Benefits to the Museum

ï Provide clarity to board, staff and all stakeholders about the vision and ultimate direction of the museum.

ï Energize and align board, staff and others and create a productive, inspired workplace and the highest caliber of services.

ï Assist in developing a profile for future board members and staff by establishing the vision for the organization and clarity of roles for participants.


Tuesday, January 9-- Regular Board Meeting

Meeting 1-- Future Museum Trends
Friday, January 12

Luncheon meeting featuring Dr. Willard (Sandy) Boyd, professor emeritus of the University of Iowa College of Law and former president of the Field Museum, Chicago.

Dr. Boyd will present his observations on where the museum industry is moving to the future, the roles museums will play within communities, with education, and with specific audiences, and what museums must do to prepare for those roles.

Participants in the luncheon will include museum board and staff, representation from the Bettendorf City Council and representative stakeholders.

Meeting 2-- Purpose, Vision and Values
Thursday, February 15

Facilitated by Ginny Wilson-Peters, the vision session will begin with an interactive four-house session, stakeholders will be asked first to look at their own values and reasons for being part of the Family Museum. After identifying personal values and purpose, stake-holders will discuss the purpose, vision and value of the Family Museum.

Meeting 3-- Define Museum Purpose, Vision and Values
Thursday, March 8

Follow-up four-hour meeting will finalize discussions about the museum's purpose, vision and values, aAnd begin the development of an action plan for the board, staff and other stakeholders. Once the purpose and vision is defined, discussion will focus back again on the stakeholders and how each is connected to the museum.

Among the questions to be answered are:
ï What part of the museumÌs purpose is exciting to me personally?

ï What actions am I willing to take to help make the vision a reality?

ï What stories can I tell others about the museum?

Meeting 4-- Finalize Action Plan
Thursday, April 5

In order to solidify the commitment of board members and staff to the action plan, a final two-hour will be conducted. This final meeting will secure the museum's vision and clarify individual commitment to that vision and help stakeholders develop their own personal action plans to support the vision.

Meeting 5-- April Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 10

Formal adoption of the Family Museum of Arts and Science Vision Statement

** To accommodate the extra time involved with the visioning process no regular board meetings will be held in February or March although the implementation teams will continue to meet.

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