PV School Board agenda 4-16-2001

Black Hawk Junior High name change and plans for high school brick replacement on tap.

Pleasant Valley, Iowa

Monday, April 16, 2001, 7:00 P.M.

I. Call to order and roll call

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Communications, Concerns, and Constructive Ideas for the District

A. From Students, Parents, Teachers, and Visitors

B. From Board Members

C. To the Secretary

D. Update on Shared School to Work Coordinator

IV. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes of April 2, 2001, Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session

B. Personnel

C. Open Enrollment

V. Approval of Bills

A. Moved by second by that General Fund warrants #63051 through #63131 be issued in the total amount of $136,476.95 in payment of invoices presented.

B. Moved by second by that Nutrition Fund warrants #8090 through #8098 be issued in the total amount of $29,643.48 in payment of invoices presented.

C. Moved by second by that Elementary/Junior High Activity Fund warrants #6231 through #6243 be issued in the total amount of $1,813.45 in payment of invoices presented.

D. Moved by second by that High School Activity Fund warrants #15276 through #15328be issued in the total amount of $20,458.35 in payment of invoices presented.

E. Moved by second by that Schoolhouse Fund warrants #7533 through #7543 issued in the total amount of $24,891.43 in payment of invoices presented.

F. Moved by second by that Internal Service Fund warrant #5401 be issued in the total amount of $2,500.00 in payment of invoices presented.

VI. Committee Reports

A. 2001 Summer School Update

Jim Spelhaug, Amy Weber, Brian Strusz

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

A. Public Hearing - Black Hawk Junior High School Name Change

B. Black Hawk Junior High School Name Change

Larry Brown

C. Junior High Student Planners

Larry Brown and Jan Sychra

D. Public Hearing - High School Brick Replacement

E. Acceptance of Final Plans and Request for Bids for High School Brick Replacement

Dale Barber

F. Acceptance of Bids for Replacement of Special Education Suburban

Dale Barber and Ray LaFrentz

G. 2000-2001 Amendment of Current Budget

a. Review of Proposed Amendment

b. Hold Public Hearing

c. Approve Budget amendment

H. Monthly Financial Reports

Mike Clingingsmith

IX. Future Dates

A. May 7, 2001, 7:00 p.m. Next Board Meeting, Belmont Office.

X. Adjournment

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