Park Board Meeting Minutes February 14, 2001

Skate Park public hearing generates dozens of comments; McManus Park would get major upgrade as part of Junior League of the Quad Cities project.

FEBRUARY 14, 2001

The Bettendorf Park Board held a regular meeting on February 14, 2001 at 7:00 pm in the Canteen Room at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center.

Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Absent: None

Chairman Hutter opened the meeting to anyone present to address the Board regarding any item of interest that does not appear on the agenda.

Craig Mock, 2536 Bayberry Court, was present to discuss the ice skating facility at Middle Park Lagoon.

He explained that he addressed the Board in November and talked about items that could be done to make the facility a better place to ice skate.

Steve has done everything discussed, and he is pleased with everything that has been done.

He presented a petition signed by 20 people with the following concerns: (1) they want the ice cleaned off on the weekend (2) the other issue is the condition of the ice. Over the holidays the ice was dangerous to skate on.

Chairman Hutter stated that the Board has discussed this in the past. We have been looking into something to clean off the ice.

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Makoben, to receive and file the petition received from Craig Mock.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

The petition is annex #1 to these minutes.

There was no one else present to address the Board regarding items not on the agenda.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, that the minutes of the special meetings held on January 8 and January 30, 2001 and the regular meeting held on January 10, 2001, be approved and placed on file for future reference.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

On motion by Glenn, seconded by Kamp, that the bills be allowed as presented and that the secretary be instructed to have checks drawn in the respective amounts.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

A list of the bills is annex #2 to these minutes.

The notice of the Courtesy Public Hearing was published on February 7, 2001. The affidavit of publication is annex #3 to these minutes.

Chairman Hutter opened the Courtesy Public Hearing to receive community input on the proposed Skate Park locations. He stated that the Board received nine written comments and briefly reviewed the intent of the letters.

On motion by Adamson, seconded by Glenn, to receive all correspondence into record as same being read aloud.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

The written correspondence and a list of the residents that attended the meeting is annex #4 to these minutes.

Lenny Stone, 36 Oakbrook Drive, stated that his son Daniel is a member of the Skate Park Committee. He would like to see the Skate Park in Middle Park. It is the most convenient location for the young people. The Park Board should make a decision with the kids in mind.

Jon Ryan, 1563 25th Street, expressed his concerns with liability. He stated that Middle Park is already used heavily and would like to see the location of Crow Creek Park for the Skate Park.

He hopes the deciding factor is not Wendys and the bus line. This proposal was not there before he built his house. He is offended by the idea of placing a Skate Park in Middle Park. He felt the Park Board would be making a mistake, and the park would be ruined.

Deb Patterson, 5700 Lewis Court, informed the Board that she is a Middle School P.E. teacher.

She has had the opportunity to be around the young people who are requesting a Skate Park. She is in favor of the Middle Park location. If they could drive, they could get out to Crow Creek Park.

We don't want these kids to be in the business parking lots. If they can't get to the other location, it will not solve the problem. She does not see the Skate Park as a problem for the community and would like it located in a central location.

Ann Stone, 36 Oakbrook Drive, stated that these are all fine kids. She would like to get them out of the Eagles parking lot and other business parking lots. They do need a place to go.

Barb McFate, 2007 Valley Vista, stated she does not feel that Middle Park is the central part of the city.

She was voting for Crow Creek Park for the Skate Park. The survey completed by the Skate Park Committee did not address how the Skate Park would affect the homeowners. It will be a noisy activity and would change their quality of life.

It is not fair to the taxpayers that have lived around Middle Park for 30+ years. With one of the amenities of wanting an area that is close to food indicates that they will be in the park ten hours a day. This is not a good thing. The people who live around this area will not be able to enjoy their evenings sitting out on their patios.

B.J. Bales, 4280 Winston Place, stated he does not care where the Skate Park is located.

He wanted the people to know that he is the only one in his group that does live in the Crow Creek Park area. Most everyone else lives near Middle Park.

The reason why they originally petitioned the Park Board was because they need a place to skate. They do not want to go to Moline and Rock Island to skate.

They do not want to get arrested for skating in Bettendorf. Soccer is a sport that is just as noisy as roller blading.

Ryan Miller, 435 12th Street, stated that they would not be roller blading in the evening. They need to be able to see.

Doug Madesian, 4174 18th Street, stated if there is a concern with liability, why not have the kids sign a waiver.

There was some concern about the supervision problems. The police do patrol the parks and the parks do close at 10:00 pm.

He felt baseball and soccer games were programs that are offered that are noisy. If the kids are given a place to skate, this should lesson the burden on the Police Department.

They now have to patrol each location that the kids are skating in illegally. You need to give the kids a chance to prove they will be responsible and a place to call their own. Middle Park does have all the amenities that are needed.

Doris Goodall, 1702 Fairmeadows Drive, stated she has lived near Middle Park for 35 years.

There are enough activities, and she is concerned about people driving into the park to get to the Skate Park.

They do not need any more noise and activities along the bike path. The litter is already heavy.

She reminded the Board about the problems with the basketball courts by the pool. The park is supposed to close at 10:00 pm, but there are activities going on in the park after hours.

Jeri Wells, 2302 Lincoln Road, stated she does not want to see the Skate Park in Middle Park.

She does not want the liability. There will be a lot more activity on the way to the facility. The areas proposed are in the flood areas. She votes for Crow Creek Park.

Al Higley, 2013 Fairmeadows Drive, stated that it is a good idea for the skating activity.

However, there are activities in Middle Park past 10:00 pm. The Police Department has been called.

He voted for Crow Creek Park because of the lower population density. Middle Park has a large amount of programming already. He admires the parents for supporting the facility for these young people.

Would these parents, who are concerned about having a location for skating, be willing to provide the transportation to the facility and trade off for some type of supervision? He is concerned about individual resident's liability on getting to the facility and votes for Crow Creek Park.

Don Johnson, 2330 Wren Court, asked what the commitment is as far as getting the funding?

Chairman Hutter stated that the Scott County Regional Authority stated in the grant we received that there was a preference in Middle Park for the location of the Skate Park.

Mr. Johnson asked if the Park Board could still get the funding if the location was moved to Crow Creek Park?

Chairman Hutter stated that the Board would have to discuss this with SCRA after a decision is made on the location. They will have to make the decision if they want to fund the Skate Park at another location.

Mike Whalen, 2140 St. Andrews Circle, stated that he felt lucky as a child to have parks to play in.

He remembered seeing children living in New York playing in the streets.

Today what he sees is skate boarders in streets and private parking lots. He felt the parks are for kids to do the things they like to do and supports the development of a Skate Park.

Cindy Schulting, 2231 23rd Street, stated she lives across from Splash Landing. The amount of traffic, garbage, and music is unbelievable. She would like to keep any additional activities in this area to a minimum. She voted for Crow Creek Park.

Ruth Higley, 2013 Fairmeadows Drive, stated at the last Skate Park meeting, almost everyone there was in favor of having one and almost everyone at that meeting did not want it at Middle Park. Why aren't we developing Crow Creek Park? Why does everything have to be crammed in Middle Park? The population is moving out that way.

If these young people would like a Skate Park, we are for it. If parents want it, they should be responsible to get them there. She would prefer to have it at Crow Creek Park.

She suggested looking into a mobile concession stand for the food issue.

Pat Collentine, 1829 Elmwood Drive, stated that all his friends live in the Middle Park area.

It is close to their home. His parents would be able to take them to the Skate Park sometimes, but it would be best if they could get there on their own. They would not be at the Skate Park after dark.

Ryan Miller, 435 12th Street, stated that both his parents work and it would be hard to get to Crow Creek Park. He would like the facility located in the center of town and be able to get there himself. The Police Department will patrol the area for those concerned about supervision.

Dan Madesian, 4174 18th Street, stated he would be satisfied with a facility in Crow Creek Park, but Crow Creek Park will turn into a Middle Park someday. There will still be the same issues.

Doris Goodall, 1702 Fairmeadows Drive, stated her concerns about the increased traffic on the bike path and a lot of people using the skate park from other communities.

Bill Whitcomb, 4573 34th St. Ct., stated that his kids ride bikes. If this facility is strictly for roller blades, you will have problems. He feels the kids will not want to lose privileges, if this is built. They will take care of it. Skate Parks are less noisy than baseball games. All the Skate Parks he has gone to provide no supervision, only someone to collect money. He stated his concerns with Devils Glen Road not having sidewalks on both sides of the street for youngsters to get to Crow Creek Park.

Chairman Hutter stated that his comments on bikes being able to use the facility would be taken under advisement.

Sue Johnson, Wrenwood Ct., stated that she wants a place for kids to skate so they will not be in trouble. She asked if there is funding to maintain this proposed facility and what is the longevity of such a facility? What is the estimate on the number of kids that will use it?

Commissioner Kamp stated that the ramps are made of concrete and steel. There is nothing to maintain. The longevity would be the same as a driveway would be. The proposed facility will accommodate up to 60 kids at one time. We do not know the number of people that will want to use it.

Jan Henning, 1709 Fairmeadows, stated that she votes for Crow Creek Park. Middle Park is well used and has a lot of facilities. She is concerned about the congestion on the bike path and how noisy it will be in the evening.

Chairman Hutter closed the Courtesy Public Hearing.

The Board reviewed the Budget and Revenue reports for January, 2001.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to receive and file all Budget and Revenue Reports for January, 2001.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

The Budget and Revenue Reports are annex #5 to these minutes.

Cecilia Barnes and Ellen Bennett, representing the Junior League of the Quad Cities were present to address the Board.

Mrs. Bennett informed the Board that they have a preliminary proposal for the construction of a unique playground accessible to all children, regardless of ability or disability, and provides opportunities for all children to play together side-by-side.

They have held a fundraiser, and now have $30,000 set aside for this project.

The Scott County Regional Authority is interested in the project and has encouraged us to apply for a grant. McManus Park was discussed for the location for the playground. They will need 10,000 square feet of area.

They have no design at this time, but will be doing some research and looking at a cost between $100,000 and $150,000.

Steve informed the Board that McManus Park was recommended because it is a highly visible park and has easy access.

They are looking at an area that would fit a Quad City wide park. Some of the older equipment needs to be replaced anyway.

We could contribute the money we have set aside for playground equipment replacement in the Capital Improvement Program.

Commissioner Adamson asked if they looked at parking issues at McManus Park.

Steve stated that they did talk about it, and the city has plans to do additional improvements.

Commissioner Adamson asked how difficult will it be to get to the playground from the parking lot.

Steve stated that their plans would include accessible walkways to the playground and restrooms.

Mrs. Bennett stated that they would be working with AEA to come up with parents to help determine what is helpful and works for their children.

The Board requested to draw up a resolution approving the Junior League concept and to place it on the March agenda.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Adamson, to approve the Junior League of the Quad Cities proposal for a playground in McManus Park.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

The Board authorized the Junior League to proceed with their funding efforts and when they have developed their final concept, bring it back to the Park Board.

A copy of the Quad City Junior League's request is annex #6 to these minutes.

Greg Jager reviewed the memo from Dean Mueller of Water Technology, which is annex #7 to these minutes. Mr. Mueller's very last sentence states, "The pool cloudiness is no longer an issue. This was resolved by proper operation of the filter system." Greg felt this is one consultant's opinion against the other.

Greg explained that he feels the smart way to proceed is to talk to our own Engineering Department for a recommendation of a local engineer that we would have confidence in. Our own Engineering Department can put something together on a price for time and materials to get a sense of what we want to do.

The local engineer would get involved with the monitoring of the pool and perhaps come up with a plan of attack, such as, whether to shut down the slides, monitor the water in the tank, analyze the water, etc. Then have the consultant give us an idea on procedures and over all advise when it is done.

Greg recommended to the Board to authorize staff to talk to the engineers at the annex and come up with names, make some calls, talk about the concept and get an estimate of what it will cost.

Steve stated that meanwhile we would advertise for someone to do the labor required for back washing.

Greg stated that we need to have someone reliable to do the work, even though it means paying more money for it.

Commissioner Makoben recommended contacting Iowa American Water Company for someone to help.

Greg stated that he will call and ask. There is a joint contract with the sewage plant and that is another option to talk about with Engineers.

Chairman Hutter suggested using an engineering intern from Iowa University.

Greg reviewed the points made by Dean Mueller of Water Technology in his memo dated February 12, 2001.

(1) He says because it is an existing swimming pool, they did not have to meet the standards. Greg stated that he has to find out if that is a true statement.

(2) The Department of Health gave their approval.

(3) He assumes the slope of 1 inch per 10 lineal feet. Does he not know what the slope of the water is? Greg would recommend throwing some die in the water to see how the water flows.

(4) Pool Cloudiness Issue

Commissioner Adamson stated that Greg Jager gave the Police Department a Universal Special Event Application. This was given to Officer Truedell to work on and when completed will be brought back to the Board.

Greg Jager informed the Board that this is not a question of authority. The Park Board will have control of parks. This is a question about if there is a particular issue that the Police Department may be aware of and the Park Board may not be.

Chairman Hutter asked if it will be written that the Police Chief or designee could end an event?

Greg Jager stated that his thought process is, anyone who has jurisdiction can raise a red flag. If the Police Department has an experience with a particular person or event, the Police Chief can raise the flag.

The following items appeared on the consent agenda and were enacted by one motion:

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to receive and file the thank you letter from the Arc of Scott County dated December 28, 2000 for the use of the Community Center for their annual winter party. The letter is annex #8 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to receive and file the meeting minutes from the Bettendorf Park and Recreation Foundation dated October 26, 2000. The minutes are annex #9.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to adopt Resolution #9-01, approving payment #2 to Ashton Engineering, Inc., for work completed on the Crow Creek Recreation Trail Alignment Study. Resolution #9-01 is annex #10 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to approve the increase requested by Ashton Engineering in their contract amount for the River Drive Recreation Trail Project. The letter is annex #11 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to approve the request from Marc Woods dated February 1, 2001, to use Middle Park 23rd Street area for a Soccer Camp from July 30 through August 2 and from August 6 through August 9, 2001. The request is annex #12 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to approve the request from the American Diabetes Association dated January 10, 2001 for a shotgun start for their annual golf tournament at Palmer Hills Golf Course on June 6, 2001 at 9:00 am. The request is annex #13 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to approve the request from the CPC Pregnancy Resources dated January 25, 2001 for use of the Bettendorf Park Board Band Shell and Pavilion to hold their annual Walk-a-thon on September 8, 2001 from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon and to waive the associated fees. The request is annex #14 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to adopt Resolution #10-01, approving proposal for maintenance of various landscape sites in the City of Bettendorf as submitted by Fisher Lawn Care of Bettendorf, Iowa, in the amount of $36,800. Resolution #10-01 is annex #15 to these minutes.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to adopt Resolution #11-01, approving the request for proposal submitted by the American Twisters Gymnastics Program held at the Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center. Resolution #11-01 is annex #16 to these minutes.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

Greg Jager informed the Board that the City just announced that they will not be applying for the Vision Iowa Grant. They will be looking again at the Capital Improvement Program. It is the Mayor's intent to do the Arts Center within five years and to try and do this without raising taxes.

Commissioner Kamp asked if a special meeting should be set to talk about the Skate Park location.

The Board authorized Steve to contact the SCRA to see if there are any ramifications regarding the funding if the Skate Park where placed in another park other than Middle Park.

Commissioner Kamp stated that he would like to see it built by this summer, if possible.
It will take six weeks to get the elements, once they are ordered.

The Board set up a tentative meeting on March 8, 2001 at 4:00 pm to discuss the Skate Park location and funding.

On motion by Adamson, seconded by Glenn, to adjourn at 8:40 pm.

Hutter (Chairman)

Adamson (Vice Chairman)

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