Park Board Meeting Minutes February 12, 2001

Park Board minutes of Feb. 12 meeting.

FEBRUARY 12, 2000

The Bettendorf Park Board held a special meeting on February 12, 2001 at the HDG Community Center in the Canteen Room at 4:00pm.

Present: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Absent: None

Stu Smith reviewed the park maintenance monthly report, which is annex #1 to these minutes. He informed the Board that five bids were received for the landscape maintenance of all the City's flowers and landscaping. Stu recommended accepting the bid submitted by Fisher Lawn Care, based on the high level of satisfaction from their services over the last three years.

This item will be placed on the consent agenda and will be approved by Resolution at the Wednesday Board Meeting.

Brad Peterson reviewed the golf maintenance monthly report, which is annex #2 to these minutes. There was nothing to report on the renovation of the 9th hole. The contractor has not started the project but anticipates beginning by the end of the month.

Steve Grimes stated that the contractor has not signed the contract yet. They are waiting for the performance bond.

Rita VanWetzinga reviewed the recreation monthly update, which is annex #3 to these minutes. She presented an overview of what advertising had been done to promote the opening of the lap pool.

She also reviewed the problems with the overcrowded conditions at the Life Fitness Center by non-members.

Rita requested the Board consider not permitting general admission on three holidays: (1) Veterans Day (2) Martin Luther King Day and (3) Presidents' Day. She recommended opening Middle School and the Community Center for drop-in on those holiday days.

Chairman Hutter stated the Park Board would be setting up a meeting in April or May with the School Board to discuss some of these types of issues.

The Board requested Rita bring back a school calendar schedule and put a proposal together on how the problems can be handled year around and place it on the agenda for discussion.

Rita requested Board approval to permit an annual shut down week at the end of August to allow staff to complete projects such as painting, carpet cleaning, replacement of tennis court lighting, wax floors, pool draining and cleaning, etc.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, to approve closing the Life Fitness Center on an annual basis the week before Labor Day for maintenance and other required projects.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

Rita presented a recommendation to address the crowded conditions in the cardio room.

She would like to take the old track turn on the east wall and build a three-wall room bolted into the iron supports.

It would look similar to the existing weight room and the area measures 14' wide x 85' long or 1,190 square feet.

The long length of the room would lend itself easily to one long row of equipment with the cross over cable and smaller units against the east wall.

An estimate of the cost for this project is $6,900. When we do build the addition, this area can be used for training.

The Board requested getting proposals on Rita's recommendation to build the three-wall room at the Life Fitness Center. The Board members will have an opportunity to visit the site to look at the location of the project before reviewing the proposals.

Rita informed the Board that all group swim lessons will be held at Splash Landing and private lessons will be offered at the Life Fitness Center this summer.

The number of group lessons offered was reduced, because of Splash Landing opening earlier for general swim. Swim Lessons are now being offered year-round at the Life Fitness Center.

Rita explained to the Board that it is Bettendorf's year to host the Family Swim Night.

This is an event for families of children with disabilities. The committee would like to hold the event either on July 6th or 7th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. This will involve closing Splash Landing.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Adamson, to approve closing of Splash Landing on July 6th or 7th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm for the Family Swim Night.

Roll call motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

Commissioner Adamson asked Rita how other people could be accommodated to participate in the fitness classes. If the participants that have paid in advance do not show up for a class, how can others pay to attend the class?

Rita explained that the participants have paid for the class in advance and sometimes they are 20 minutes late. If we allow drop-ins and the paid participant shows up, we will have a confrontation. For classes that are not full, we do allow drop-ins.

Commissioner Glenn discussed how the Fitness Center could compete with the proposed YMCA. He recommended trying to figure out programming with Trinity.

Rita explained that she and Steve have already talked about this. Perhaps we can partnership with Trinity and Scott Community College as a potential revenue source in the future. Before the Master Plan meeting on recreation programming on March 1, 2001, we need information on what the YMCA is going to offer.

Steve stated that he has set up a meeting with Frank Klipsch, CEO for the YMCA, with the staff. We want to get an idea of what their plans are for the new YMCA before he addresses the Park Board.

Chairman Hutter recommended contacting Alcoa about using the old Riverdale School gym for programs.

The Board reviewed Jon Waddell's golf course administration monthly report, which is annex #4 to these minutes.

Steve informed the Board that representatives from the Junior League would like to address the Board at the Wednesday meeting. They are aware of the Public Hearing being held. They want to discuss writing a grant for a handicap accessible playground for McManus Park.

Chairman Hutter explained further regarding a meeting to be held with Park Board Members and the School Board and Superintendent. He would like to have an informal meeting and have a moderator. No action will be taken. It will be a goal setting type meeting. The Board authorized the Director to set the date and time for the meeting at the Library.

Steve informed the Board that no proposals were received for a concession in Crow Creek Park.

The Board requested the Director continue to seek proposals for the concession.

Steve informed the Board of his concerns regarding seeking requests for proposals for the back washing and record keeping at Splash Landing. It would be difficult to quantify what needs to be done. We don't know what to expect or how many hours it will involve. The proposals will be on the high end because of the unknowns.

Rita explained she tried to get someone on contract to do the maintenance work last summer. There was only one company interested in a contract and they wanted $500 a week. You will find that there are not a lot of people that are interested in this.

Steve informed the Board that Decker is not objectionable to pay up to $15.00 an hour for the maintenance position. At least, they know they will be paid for the number of hours they work and hopefully we can get someone through an advertisement.

We will want to do this as soon as possible. As far as record keeping, you will want someone with an engineering background.

Burback Aquatics would be willing to do this on an occasional basis at an hourly rate. Hopefully at the end of summer, we will know what needs to be done to the pool.

Chairman Hutter felt if this would go into litigation, it would be better to have an independent contractor, rather than someone on the payroll. He recommended contacting someone from the Iowa State University Extension Service.

The Board requested this item be placed on Wednesday's Agenda to be discussed with Greg Jager, City Attorney.

Steve informed the Board that Water Technology responded to Greg Jager's letter. It just came in today. This will also be discussed at Wednesday's meeting.

Rita informed the Board that Water Technology has not responded to her concerns regarding starting up the pool and training of the staff.

Chairman Hutter stated that Rita's issues should be discussed at Wednesday's meeting and check with Greg Jager to see if there should be an executive session.

The Board reviewed the different options to reduce the Capital Improvement Program $100,000 for the next four years beginning in 2002/2003. These options are annex #5 to these minutes.

The Board decided to make changes only in 2002/2003. The other fiscal years can be decided at a later date.

On motion by Adamson, seconded by Kamp, to approve Option 2 for fiscal year 2002/2003 in reducing the Capital Improvement Program by $100,000.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben
Nays: None

The Board reviewed the two gymnastics program proposals.

Steve informed the Board that he recommended awarding a one-year renewable contract to the American Twisters group. They are our current contractor and have 110 Bettendorf residents enrolled out of a total of 190 students. The program has grown significantly over the last two years. A change would not be in our best interest and would probably lead to a loss of attendance and revenue.

The Board approved and requested this item be placed on the consent agenda.

Steve informed the Board that Greg Jager had some concerns about the proposed golf course policy changes. This will be placed on the March Agenda.

Steve informed the Board that the Bettendorf School District is looking into replacing the four scoreboards at the Middle School gym. Two of the current scoreboards were donated to the school by the Park Board a number of years ago, because they were not used at the Life Fitness Center.

The school district would like to have the Park Board participate in the purchase of the new scoreboards.

The estimated cost for the scoreboards is $10,000. In talking to staff, we use the scoreboards only for Men's Basketball Leagues on Sundays.

Steve recommended contributing $500 to show the Park Board's support in the Riverboat Gaming Grant they intend to submit.

On motion by Kamp, seconded by Makoben, to contribute $500 toward the scoreboards at the Middle School gym and to be included in the grant request.

Roll call on motion: Ayes: Hutter, Adamson, Glenn, Kamp, and Makoben

Nays: None

The Director's monthly report is annex #6 to these minutes.

Commissioner Glenn expressed his concerns regarding the use of the Middle School gym. Someone from Middle School should be in charge and know what programs and whose programs are going on. There is a misconception of what our programs are, and he would like to see better communication.

Commissioner Adamson requested to add to Wednesday's agenda a Special Events Ordinance, having one application citywide. This is a public safety issue. The Police Department would be the final sign-off department for events.

This item will be placed on Wednesday's Agenda and reviewed by Greg Jager, City Attorney.

On motion by Makoben, seconded by Kamp, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.

Hutter (Chairman)

Adamson (Vice Chairman)

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