A lone white egret enjoys the Mississippi Riverfront near Lindsay Park, Davenport.

Lee Enterprises reports $6 million loss for second quarter ended March 31

Lee Enterprises – owner of the Quad City Times and 46 other daily newspapers – reported a loss of $6 million, or 12 cents per share, for its second quarter which ended March 31.

The results were an improvement from a year ago, when the firm reported a loss of $26.6 million, 54 cents per share. The narrower loss and improved revenue trends reported by the company helped push up the stock nearly 10 percent in trading Tuesday to $1.39 per share.

Grain Processing Corporation fined $129,000 by EPA for wastewater discharge violations

Grain Processing Corporation (GPC) in Muscatine has agreed to pay a $129,000 fine for violations of the federal Clean Water Act that occurred in 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today (4/16).

"GPC failed to comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) monitoring requirements by taking unrepresentative flow measurements and not conducting settleability tests; failed to maintain all facilities and control systems in good working order; and exceeded the effluent limitations for biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, temperature, and pH," according to the EPA news release. "GPC came into compliance with Clean Water Act regulations after EPA Region 7 issued an order to the company on July 29, 2011, requiring it to correct the violations."

The effluent violations negatively impacted the Mississippi River, according to the EPA. The operations and maintenance violations, which included malfunctioning equipment and failure to comply with monitoring requirements, led to wastewater pollutants being released into the river which are not accurately known or documented.

Sulfur dioxide pollution in Muscatine results in 8 air quality exceedances so far in 2013

Muscatine's sulfur dioxide pollution woes continued in the first three months of 2013 with eight exceedances of national air quality standards recorded as of March 12.

Three of the National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQ) exceedances were recorded at the Musser Park monitor and five others at the East High (Garfield) monitor operated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Bank baron's Davenport estate on real estate block sans rhinoceros and elephant trophies

The 14-acre Davenport estate once presided over by bank baron V.O. Figge is on the real estate block for $3.5 million.

Even if you can't afford the French Country villa, you can get a glimpse into the life of the rich back in the 1950's by clicking through the online gallery of photos taken back in 1954. The link is: http://www.hawthornacres.com

IDNR recommends much smaller non-attainment area for SO2 pollution in Muscatine Co.

If the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has its way, only the city of Muscatine and not the entire county of Muscatine would be designated as in non-attainment for sulfur dioxide (SO2) pollution by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA).

The EPA has proposed designating the entire county in non-attainment, which would bring tougher regulations on new and existing businesses to lower SO2 emissions in Muscatine County. The IDNR and the governor had tried unsuccessfully to avoid any non-attainment designation two years ago, suggesting to the EPA the county be designated as "unclassifiable."

Under the non-attainment designation proposed by the EPA, existing SO2 pollution sources in the county could be required to reduce their emissions, and new sources that emit sulfur dioxide above certain levels would be required to be built with air pollution controls having the lowest sulfur dioxide emissions technically possible.

Federal court sides with Iowa League of Cities; vacates EPA rules on sewage bypass and mixing zones

The U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals handed the Iowa League of Cities a sweeping victory Monday (3/25), vacating U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules on sewage bypass and mixing zones saying the agency failed to follow federal notice and procedures for setting those regulations.

The league had challenged the EPA rules based on two letters from the federal agency which were sent in response to letters from U.S. Senator Charles Grassley.

Iowa DNR expected to argue for smaller SO2 non-attainment area designation in Muscatine County

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is expected to argue only a small portion of Muscatine County – not the entire county – needs to be designated as in non-attainment for sulfur dioxide (SO2) pollution, a significant change from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recommended plan.

The IDNR will hold two public meetings – 1 p.m. and 6 p.m., Thursday, March 28 – at the Muscatine County Conservation Board’s Environmental Learning Center, 3300 Cedar Street, Muscatine, to provide information on the proposed non-attainment designation and seek input from the public, businesses and other affected stakeholders.

At those meetings, IDNR officials also are expected to present an analysis of air monitoring in support of a much smaller designated area of non-attainment.

Bettendorf planning to scale back riverfront circulator – The Loop – bus service

The Loop – a riverfront circulator bus service connecting Quad Cities downtowns Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings and Sundays – will be scaled back to just two days under a plan expected to be approved by the Bettendorf City Council Tuesday (3/19).

Bettendorf received a federal transit grant to purchase the four retro-looking Loop buses in 2009, and the service has been running significant deficits every since. The revenue from the Loop is expected to total just $30,000 for the current fiscal year, while operating expenses are projected at nearly $303,000 (excluding depreciation).

DekHockey group wants liquor license to sell beer at Crow Creek Park rink

The operator of the DekHockey facility at Crow Creek Park is seeking city approval to sell beer at the rink during the coming season.

Patrik Levesque, a Quad City Mallards player and organizer/operator of the Bettendorf DekHockey facility, is expected to make his proposal to the park board Wednesday (3/13). He made a similar request last year, but the board tabled that request to investigate the issue of allowing alcohol sales at the park.

High levels of sulfur dioxide and fine particulate pollution in Muscatine prompts health warning

High levels of fine particulate and sulfur dioxide pollution Monday (3/4) in Muscatine prompted a health warning to residents by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).

At noon Monday, fine particle levels averaged 57.5 micrograms per cubic meter at Garfield School in Muscatine and a daily maximum reading of 158 parts per billion (ppb) of sulfur dioxide was measured early this morning at the same school monitor, according to the IDNR.

Conditions were expected to improve by Tuesday (3/5) with a change in wind direction from a winter storm.


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