A lone white egret enjoys the Mississippi Riverfront near Lindsay Park, Davenport.

Bettendorf, aka Bettenberg, makes the big time on Emmy winning Netflix series 'House of Cards'

U.S. President Francis Underwood in the popular Netflix series 'House of Cards' has hit the Iowa campaign trail, just like the real presidential hopefuls now crisscrossing our state.

And in one of this season's episodes, Underwood's female challenger, Heather Dunbar, fires up a blue-collar crowd in a small, union hall calling for a higher minimum wage and criticizing WalMart. As she leaves the meeting, the sign in the background proclaims the location as "Bettenberg Union Hall." A smaller message on the same sign advertises "Sweet Corn Roast Thursday."

Bettendorf I-80/Middle Road sports complex trial balloon punctured by $112,000 feasibility study

Bettendorf and a local developer pushing the idea of an I-80/Middle Road indoor sports complex got a succinct message from a recently completed $112,000 feasibility study: don't do it.

Iowa governor's administration spending $150,000 a month for "broadband" advice from Kentucky firm

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad's administration is shelling out nearly $150,000 a month for a Kentucky firm to serve as cheerleader for his "Connect Every Iowan" initiative aimed at expanding high-speed Internet service to rural communities.

Troubled eastern Iowa zoo cited for three Animal Welfare Act violations by USDA inspectors

A troubled eastern Iowa zoo near Manchester has been cited for three more Animal Welfare Act (AWA) violations stemming from an attempted inspection of the facility in February and a weather-shortened inspection in March by U.S. Agriculture Department veterinarians.

QC Times circulation for 2014 shows continued decline; new branded edition now being distributed

Quad City Times Sunday and weekday circulation continued its downward trend in 2014, according to figures in the Lee Enterprise annual report sent shareholders earlier this year.

City places high priority on new $1.15 million Devils Glen Road bridge over Spencer Creek

Most Bettendorf residents have never driven along Devils Glen Road, north of Interstate 80, where it crosses Spencer Creek.

Higher gambling revenues boost Isle stock price; company seeking buyer for Pennsylvania casino

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. Wednesday (2/25) reported earnings of $5.4 million (13 cents per share) for the third quarter ended Jan. 25 with nearly all of its 15 gaming venues showing gains in net revenue, including increases at all three of its Iowa properties.

Lee Enterprises reports $10 million profit in 1st quarter; off 17 percent from same period last year

Lee Enterprises, Inc. – owner of the Quad City Times – reported first quarter earnings Thursday (2/5) of $10 million, down more than 17 percent for the same three months a year ago.

Consensus sought by city council on riverfront/downtown redevelopment plans

In a rare public discussion among Bettendorf aldermen about downtown and riverfront redevelopment, the city council and staff this week conceded they have no consensus on where they're headed and agreed to work toward a unified vision for the area.

Cricket Hollow Zoo critics seek to force USDA to take action to close Manchester facility

An animal rights group has taken its efforts to close the troubled Cricket Hollow Zoo near Manchester, Iowa to the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.


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