A lone white egret enjoys the Mississippi Riverfront near Lindsay Park, Davenport.

Obama's 'Amazing Grace': He left Charleston funeral as a black man who happened to be president

If Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech is the 20th century equivalent of Abraham Lincoln’s magnificent Second Inaugural — and I think it is — then what President Barack Obama gave us in Charleston, South Carolina is our century’s Gettysburg Address.

He gave a marvelous eulogy that was powerful and eloquent. He was moving without resorting to sentimentality.

Cricket Hollow Zoo license temporarily suspended by USDA; reasons for shutdown remain unknown

Federal officials have suspended the license of Cricket Hollow Zoo, the "roadside" zoo near Manchester, Iowa, which has been cited repeatedly for animal welfare violations over the past five years.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) June 16 placed the zoo under a 21-day suspension. No explanation was given for the suspension, and calls and emails to USDA officials were not immediately returned. The suspension is to expire today, July 7.

Bettendorf LED light manufacturer two years behind in loan repayment; job training funds frozen

The Florida promoter who convinced local economic development officials he would bring manufacturing jobs from China to Bettendorf hasn't made a payment in nearly two years on the $107,000 loan he received from the Bi-State Revolving Loan Fund, the economic development arm of the Bi-State Regional Commission.

LEDs America made payments totaling $31,000 on the job development loan, but its last check was in September 2013, leaving an unpaid balance of $76,000, according to Bi-State officials.

Lee pays off Berkshire Hathaway debt early; lays off eight St. Louis Post-Dispatch news employees

In an interesting coincidence involving Lee Enterprises' largest newspaper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Davenport-based media firm announced it had paid off debt related to acquisition of that paper in 2005, while confirming today (6/26) it was laying off eight St. Louis newsroom employees.

Latest sewage bypass lasted four days and totaled 18.4 million gallons pumped into Mississippi River

Bettendorf pumped 18.4 million gallons of untreated sewage mixed with storm water into the Mississippi River over a four-day period earlier this month after heavy rain and high water clogged the main interceptor along the riverfront and flows overwhelmed the treatment capacity of the Davenport/Bettendorf sewage treatment plant.

Pumps along the riverfront operated from June 14 through June 18, transferring back-up in the sewer lines into storm water pipes that empty into the river.

As Davenport simmers over gambling give-aways; similar questions should be raised in Bettendorf

As the Davenport City Council contemplates how it ended up paying millions in site work for its new land-based casino, Bettendorf aldermen also should be asking questions about its development agreement with the Isle of Capri Casino.

Revisions to that agreement in 2007 allowed Green Bridge Company (owned by the Goldstein family) to wiggle out of a pledge to create $27 million worth of riverfront development on land adjacent to the casino.

Animal experts slam Cricket Hollow Zoo care, conditions; testimony in suit seeking to close facility

Tigers, lions, wolves and African wild cats at Cricket Hollow Zoo near Manchester "are suffering inhumane living conditions that result from owners, zookeepers and veterinarians who lack the expertise, the experience and the resources to care for captive wildlife," a California vet with 21 years of experience in caring for such animals says.

Gap in wealth grows partly because we keep electing politicians who promise nothing less

One of the biggest questions of the day is: Why do the rich keep getting richer and the middle class keep getting poorer?

This also ranks as the dumbest question of the day, week, month, or year. To anyone who’s been paying attention, it’s obvious why economic inequality in our land is growing:

That’s what we asked for.

Despite interceptor work, high water and heavy rain result in Bettendorf dumping raw sewage into river

Despite $2 million in storm sewer interceptor work, high water and heavy rains are again forcing Bettendorf to dump raw sewage into the Mississippi River.

Isle of Capri seeking to slash Bettendorf property tax bill in half; city to hire appraiser to oppose reduction

The Isle of Capri Bettendorf casino is seeking to slash its property tax assessment in half – to $44 million from its current $85 million – prompting the city to hire a casino real estate appraiser to oppose the reduction.


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