A lone white egret enjoys the Mississippi Riverfront near Lindsay Park, Davenport.

Minutes of the September 17 meeting of the Bettendorf Board of Education

Unofficial Minutes of the September 17, 2002, Regular Meeting - Retiring Board
Of the Bettendorf Board of Education
(Pending Board Approval)
Unofficial Minutes of the September 17, 2002,
Regular Meeting ñ Incoming Board
(Pending Board Approval)

Minutes of the Sept 16 Pleasant Valley School Board

PV Board Minutes 9.16.02

Pool progress

The new filter building at Splash Landing takes shape. Progress on renovations and improvements to the city facility continue. After a season of no swimming, the work at Splash Landing is scheduled to be complete and the pool ready for the 2003 swimming season.

Minutes of September 3 Pleasant Valley School Board meeting

PV Board Minutes 9.3.02

BHS vs North Scott

After a narrow defeat to Pleasant Valley, the Bettendorf Bulldogs defeated North Scott in their home opener, 28-7. Here the Gold Dusters and the Marching Band entertain at halftime on a perfect fall evening at TouVelle Stadium.

The Boosters now have a website, click here.

Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 8/14/02

AUGUST 14, 2002

Bettendorf Park Board Minutes 8/12/02

AUGUST 12, 2002

New Middle Park parking

Bettendorf's Middle Park east of 23rd Street has long had parking problems during soccer and little league baseball. A newly expanded lot next to the park should provide some relief during peak usage days and eliminate some of the dust from the old unpaved road.

Bettendorf Park Board Agenda

Park Board agenda for 9/9 and 9/11

Middle Park view

Bettendorf's Middle Park Lagoon provides a quiet, restful place to relax for parents and is a popular fishing spot for youngsters.


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